estellecmoi87 postponement Death must be a good trip as no one has returned ...
! Losier! postponement Life is beautiful but the others make it cruel.
Nikoo postponement If your heart stopped beating, I'll give you mine, because without you it does me no good.
.:: Shuut::. postponement It's nice to be someone important, it is important to be a good person.
Xill-91 postponement Never leave the person whom you love for the person you please as the one that pleases you leave you for the person she loves.
BouleDeFer postponement A woman is like a painting on canvas, it needs to be stroked with a brush, to be regarded with care, and be loved for being beautiful ...
Raysord. postponement Lack of money is the thieves as the lack of love makes the artists.
.: The! Ila:. postponement We may have an iron, it will always end up rusting.
loiyous postponement It is love that we know the greatest difficulty, however, since the dawn of time people love each other.
Xill-91 postponement If we do not know trouble, we could not distinguish happiness.
Zizou10k.h. postponement Who fears thee in thy presence all night in your absence.
.: The! Ila:. postponement The life is like a candle, can enlighten t'elle before it stops it shine ...
adri1618 postponement It exists only through the eyes of others.
! Sebas! postponement One must be oneself, to be somebody.
BouleDeFer postponement We should not lose his life to win.
ptitnooki91 postponement Out of sight, out of mind, saying good liar because despite the distance is to you that I think ...
suzy.1.0 postponement If you want your wife listens to what you say, say it to another woman.
VPC! postponement Humans say that time passes. Time says that humans pass.
Shadows postponement The words can lie but look, it does not lie.
syledem postponement The verb is conjugated like that does this, because it makes you cry the past and the future he is dreaming.
Haliis0n postponement The best sentences will be displayed on the home page of the clan and the nickname of the person who will be cited.
Good luck! postponement One day you come and you ask me to choose between my life and you, I choose my life. You will return head down not knowing that ... my life is you!
! Losier! postponement Love is easier to give than to receive.
.: CL3MI:. postponement We never find the words to explain what a heart can hold.
Inflames766 postponement Dreams provide everything that reality denies us ...
the pretty-brunedu42 postponement If you want to break a heart, verify that you are not inside ...
Xill-91 postponement The hardest thing when you love someone, it is not to say, but whether she will love you forever ...
Xill-91 postponement Many people love you, many people hate you, but basically, you know how?
bigamette postponement The lie takes the elevator, while the truth takes the staircase.
nicko-56 postponement Provide friendship to someone who wants love is like giving bread to a man dying of thirst.
.: CL3MI:. postponement Of all those who have nothing to say, the nicest are those who are silent.
. Smyle-x-x-Live. postponement Just because you're beautiful he loves because he loves you you're beautiful.
DJ.TINY postponement Live your dreams do not dream your life.