Okay, so here's almost all the art and animations I've done at Armorgames. Some better than others. (Might take awhile to load.)Ninja Runs with ScarfCrank That StickmanOkay Here is some stuff I did in celebration of some specific post counts.224 Yeah!204!The always significant 202 post! (It's a Palindrome!)200! This is Sparta! Well, sorta.This was entered in the "Art Skills Competition" for the theme outbreak. It won! Yeah Merits!I did this for fun in an old post in the tavern. "This is my lawn!"That's it for now, hope you enjoyed!
Oops, Here was the final version for the outbreak theme!
Daaaaamn, that zombie picture is awesome. Awesome AND hilarious. I can see why you won.
It's great that I failed at making this thread though.
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