And yes, we need the unit of measurement. However given the inordinately large number, and the very small amount of feet, meters, inches, and centimeters which make up the height of our atmosphere and the circumference of our planet I'm going to assume that you were using Planck measurements there.
you guys are so silly, none of you know how ninjas work. first. you will never know how high he will jump because you won't ever be able to see him. 2nd. ninjas do not jump/fly/teleport/run on air/climb up air. nobody knows how ninjas move because you can never see them! 3rd, thats not a ninja. you can see him.
you guys are so silly, none of you know how ninjas work. first. you will never know how high he will jump because you won't ever be able to see him. 2nd. ninjas do not jump/fly/teleport/run on air/climb up air. nobody knows how ninjas move because you can never see them! 3rd, thats not a ninja. you can see him.