Mark's alarm went off two hours ago, and he is still not awake. The neighbors are slamming against his wall, wanting him to turn off the irrepressible beeping. It was like someone was constantly screaming into the apartment. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP WAAAAAPP BEEP BEEEP" The neighbor started to shout "MARK TURN OFF THAT RACKET. IT'S SATURDAY. YOU DON'T WORK." The neighbor was starting to get even more annoyed when another hour passed by and it still did not stop. The neighbor looked over at his roommate, "I'm going over." "Why?" "To see why the hell his alarm is still going off." "Maybe he's not there." "Doubt it, heard him come in." "Huh. Whatever Jareth." Jareth opened the door outside of his apartment and walked over to Mark's apartment door. The beeping still going. "MARK. MARK." he said slamming the door with his fist. "MARK. MARK. OPEN THE DAMN DOOR." He sighed, and attempted to jimmy the lock. Success. He opens the door and sees the place is a wreck, as always, and it smells. "Hate coming in here. MARK!" He navigated over the trash and clutter on the floor making sure to step on only the carpet, if you wanted to call it carpet. It was more of a damp sponge. Jareth had no interest in why it was damp he really didn't want to know. After arriving in Marks bedroom, Jareth was shocked by what he saw. Mark. Still asleep. He went over to the alarm clock and slammed it to turn it off. Mark finally awoke "The hell are you doing in my apartment?" "You wouldn't turn off your freaking alarm." "Oh. I didn't know it was going." "IT'S TEN IN THE MORNING. IT'S BEEN GOING FOR HOURS." "Oh. Guess I slept through it. Sorry." Jareth was frustrated, annoyed, and was seriously considering punching mark in the jugular. But he held it back. "You know what Mark. I should report you to the land lord but I won't. But if you don't clean up your fucking place, I will. So do it." Jareth then left. Mark put his hand on his head. "Ha. Quite the party I had last night. Quite the party." ---------------------------------- THIS IS PART 1 OF 3. So yus, this is a trilogy I actually plan on finishing. Unlike Steve, which I was going to make a trilogy of but instead I finished it in two stories. But yes this is Mark. Get to know him.