ForumsGame WalkthroughsHit The Jackpot 3- Some Tips

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Alright so here are just some tips I have noticed are useful For this game. I am currently ranked 378 in the world with a hit average of 8.73... Idk if that matters but just some proof that it works.


For starters; you have 20 stars to work with at the begginning, you are going to want to invest mostly between arrows and bow because the waver at first is rediculous. buy a strngth but not as important. After you get a base with those(when they start costing 20 or so), then start working your strength up and then keep them all relavtively even, when you get to 4 star bow and arrows, arrows become more important because waver is miniscule by that point.


Your best friend in the game is going to be the wind detector. Remember that horizontal wind is more important to focus on than vericle. Also realize that a diagonal wind incorporates a verticle and horizontal vector; don't dismiss the horizontal aspect of the diagonal. The horizontal wind has a much greater effect on the projectory of the arrow. When judging verticle wind, don't worry about it until the target gets farther away, like the 3rd round, then only compensate a little bit for it. As for horizontal, don't underestimate it. In round 1 aim a little to compensate for the wind. When the target is way out there, even a slight horizontal wind can push the arrow over a line or so. If the horizontal wind is very strong, you will most likely aim off of the target in order to hit for a higher score.


Be patient, when aiming, the waver generally follows a semi-random pattern, it almost always visits the same point twice if you don't move your bow. Wait until you find a good point, and don't move your mouse at all, then when it comes back to that point, release.

Do not get discouraged if you miss one shot, everyone misses here and there so don't give up and you may pass people when they mess up.

Focus on what you are doing.


Spend a lot of time in the regional tournaments, they may not give a lot of points, but they go faster and there are better odds of winning. Experiment with continental tourneys, and an occasional world, but until you are nailing 10's and 9's every shot, you don't have a chance in the upper level tourneys.


Turn off the game music and play your own. I find the game sounds annoying so I turn them off as well. I always do better while listening to my own music.

If you have any questions, just ask on my page.

  • 5 Replies
3 posts

Very helpful, thanks a lot!

3 posts

This really does help, I think my average is 8 now. Thanks a lot!

3 posts

However, I do have one thing to add. When you first start out, you will get into a pattern that allows you to get consistent shots. Once you upgrade anything except for strength, I advise that you test out your new equipment in the Training. Hope this helped!

1 posts


1 posts

I'm currently ranked
1 in Country
2 in Continent
7 in World...
Here's my advice for what it's worth:
practice until you're familiar with the wind sheer.
Play Random Regionals until you start racking up stars.
Upgrade as I suggest below, but keep playing Random Regionals until you have at least 2 stars in each category. Then, you'll be better equipped to compete in tournament play.
The weight of the bow is what causes wobble; each time you upgrade your bow it gets lighter, and your aim improves.
Upgrading your arrows: as you upgrade, they are less affected by wind,
and have a flatter trajectory (fly straighter, with less arc).
Upgrading Strength simply gives you more time to aim before wobble sets in.
First, upgrade your bow, 1 star
then your arrows, 1 star
then strength, 1 star.
Next, upgrade Bow again, 1 star
then Arrows, 1 star.
Bow again, 1 star, then Arrows again,1 star,
then upgrade Strength.
Keep upgrading Bow first, then Arrows, then Strength until you're maxed.

Sighting (aiming) : In the first round (when target is closest), aim your sight level with the center of target (bullseye), adjusting for wind.
As the range (distances to target) increases, drop your sight slightly lower again.
Each time you upgrade, play a couple practice rounds to get familiar with your new upgrade.
Finally, try and play this game in full screen mode whenever possible:
some game sites offer full screen mode, other's don't.
Have fun and don't get discouraged; if/when you get frustrated, log off for a bit, and come back when you're calm, just like you would if you were using a bow for real

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