ForumsArt, Music, and WritingEscartian's Book in progress...

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So here is the first page of a book I am writing. Version one page one. Depending on feedback I may change a few things here and there. More will come out soon...
Book 1
The Towers of Remenine
Chapter 1
One Small Step
I stand still. The portal is difficult to see in the fog. The portal is a large sphere the size of a small room, around three or four meters in diameter. It is like an abstract painting, floating a few centimeters above land. There are many colors moving around, slowly moving in an orbit around the portal. The portals are the mystical, mysterious creations that allow, reals, people with a daemon to travel to other worlds. It feels strange to be going away. I have been through the portals before, but I was never this alone. Living in a large town for most of my life, I have never had to squeeze through large crowds, but at the same time, I would never be alone, walking the streets of my hometown Gronlande. Excitement rushes through me; I would be leaving my world to explore other worlds. I take the last step, through the portal; the step that will lead me to another world. I see a blinding white light for a minute or so, and it is gone. The forest is gone. An eerie silence follows.
I always feel awe when I am near a portal. It has a unique power that nothing else in any of the worlds can do. After my eyes readjust, I see that I sit in the middle of a sandy beach. Sounds start to come to my ears, the sounds of the ocean to my left, and birds chirping to my right. The water splashes as the waves come down to the shore. The wind is cool; the air is warm.
I am relieved of everything since the moment I arrived here. The sent of sweet fruit reaches my nose. The fine white sand is smooth to my bare feet, like walking on silk. I walk into the water. The water is warmer here then near my home. It is crystal clear. If I were to look closely I would see small fish swim by. Some of the fish swim past my legs. The fish feel soft and slippery. Sometimes it is good to be devoid of stress.
I stay here to my heart's content for some time, doing nothing in particular, just relaxing. often times, I need action and adventure, to fill my life with interesting events and experiences. Now though, I allow myself some time to think things over and have a relaxing day.
The sun is setting, and the water creates a beautiful reflection of the sun. I feel calm and serene watching the fish, the waves, and the sunset. I turn around to get out of the water. A large town is far ahead of me, a large dot. Somewhere in the distance on a mountain, slightly closer then the town, I see a castle.
The castle fills me with wonder. It is of epic proportions. The whole town that the castle overlooks can be fitted into the castle. The town is not small at all, thought it is not large either. This place is prepared for an attack.
I walk slowly towards the town. As I get closer I hear a familiar melody being played somewhere in the town. I listen to the melody as I walk onto the road. The road is made of a rough stone surface so I decide to put my shoes back on.
Following the sound, I come to a small square where people have gathered to listen to an orchestra. I stop to listen as well. âSo, Eric, what do you think we will do tomorrow?â I ask the spirit, the daemon.
âLooks like its going to rain tomorrow,â he says. I look up. There are dark clouds coming from the east moving west to this town. âKnowing you, I believe we will leave this world tomorrow. So it would make more sense for me to ask you that question.â
"Well, why do you not ask then? You only insinuate that you should ask, but you do not."
There are two types of people: those who have daemons, usually called reals, and those without daemons; they are known as tars.
When reals talks to the daemon, it is telepathic talking. The mind of the real is connected to that of the daemon. Therefore it is difficult to tell when a person is talking to a daemon. Conversations with daemons take minutes instead of hours, seconds instead of minutes.

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780 posts

Gah! some of the " came out as the a and two question mark boxes.
Strange that some of them did get detected...

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