This is the ''Ultimate Quote Contest''! We will go through stages of quotes for encouragement, happiness, and ect. I will make the first topic:
Errmm...are we supposed to make these quotes, or are we quoting someone else? Is there a reward? If so, what? Is there a deadline? If so, when? Who judges the contest? How many judges will there be? How will they be chosen? And so on....
Yes, we are sopposed to invent the quotes ourselves. After at least 20 people make one, then we will choose to eliminate 10. There will be 10 people left. We will then eliminate 5 more. We will then eliminate 3 more. And then there is two left. Then the big choice to see who will win. Whoever wins will get the gratitude on my page and about!!
The judges are RightwRong, and me, Brian266 Happy quotes!
The judges are RightwRong, and me, Brian266 Happy quotes!
Excuse my saying so, but it doesn't seem very fair that the judges are able to participate in the contest. Don't you think that in such a case their choices will be biased?
No offense, but this is a poorly constructed contest. I would go back and revise the entire idea, and then post it in the Tavern, as this has little substance and not a whole lot to do with Art, Music, or Writing.
Also, I recall one of these before. In the Tavern. Lasted quite a while, in fact.
Yes actually what? You didn't really complete your thought there. And err you yourself said that you would participate(misspelling of participate notwithstanding).