Read my post on page 2 DaRk....I didn't like where I was going with the story, so i just got bored and quit... I'm going to just be making random animations....
Just made this...was a little lazy in thinking of something original, so it's more of like a continuation from the Balloon Pop Dojo but thought it turned out pretty good...Don't ask how the dart got into the guys head that's part of the mystery...
Well see he already raged so the extra HOW DO YOU ALWAYS WIN THIS GAME! would have to be before it so like HOW DO YOU ALWAYS WIN THIS GAME?! Uhh, I just tell you to go fish whether I have the card or not? ARRRRGGHHHH!! -walks away- So is that a yes?
anyways the flashing King Lemon at the end there was also practice for something I might do in the future...
jeez i wish i could make awesome table seens.. lol all mine ever do is just get flung into the air.. Nice work though they seem to all run pretty smooth.
The walk was decent ,though the table did go through the stick man. O_O
Lol well it was actually meant to be seen as him doing it to the side, but have you ever tried flipping a table?! it usually goes I mean it gives the illusion of it doing that...idk...haha
The walk was decent
I hate walking lol >
Good job on this though the dialog was a bit fast.
Yeah i know, my excuse is that I can only have so many frames of dialog before it becomes irrelevant to what the stick figure is doing...