A mbitiousR ivetingM edievalO n-goingR oaringG erbilA rousing M asteryE lysianS uperabundance3 ...ee
What are these called again? Acronyms...no. Acrostics! Very err...interesting! I said it before, but it generated a couple chuckle from me.
F arsicalR abbitE nterpriseA ltoK aratE vilN neteenS teinT roubleE loperI nstigatorN ietsnekaerf
I did one in english class today
R ebelE ntomologistD estinedF lagO stenatiousX zylophone
E verythingF oundedA udaciousN uances
W riterO btuseL earnedF riend (If you want i'll change it to ****)
BrilliantAvaricious NoxiousKleptomaniacalEconomyRustlingScaredy Cats
KnownNoxiousInvitationGivenHourlyToday_._ _. .. _ _ . .... _ (underscore) ..._ _ ...._ 300411
W onkyO stentatiousL iverF retfulI think I've done it quite well.No seriously, you know I love to tease you my good friend!
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