Inhabitants Hello reader, this book is a guide to the creatures, or inhabitants, of many different areas, lands, seas, oceans, well I think you get the point. This guide contains information. Information like, where it lives, what it eats, how big it is, how fast it runs, things like that. We will be starting in Galicia.
Chapter 1 - Galicia Galicia is a cold, snowy land. Over half the year, temperatures drop 70 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. It was quite cold, actually it was extremely cold. I wore at least three layers of jackets, shirts, pants, and socks. On with the creatures.
The first creature I wrote in this guide was the...
Species name: Glacial Ungulate Nick name: Cold Hoofed Animal Height: Approximately 6 feet tall Weight: 400-1000 lbs. Lifespan: 20-40 years Diet: Herbivore; plants, tree leaves Additional info: -The Glacial Ungulate usually lives in herds of 20 or more -Though walking speed is only around 4 miles per hour, the Glacial Ungulate can burst up to speeds of over 60 miles per hour -Its thick fur can grow longer than 9 inches -Its hooves have sharp edges which can cut through skin of predators -Fur color, or appearance, is usually white all around and tan or brown in the face area and legs.
And here are some other creatures I had found...
Species name: Frigid Canidae Nick name: Frozen Dog Height: Approximately 2 feet tall Weight: 30-120 lbs. Lifespan: 7-24 years Diet: Carnivore; fish, small mammals Additional info: -The Frigid Canidae usually lives in groups of 2-4, but it can also live life solo -When food is not available, they will resort to cannibalism -The Frigid Canidae can sprint up to speeds of 30-40 miles per hour -Its white fur can hide it in the snow from predators and other dangerous animals -Its teeth, fangs, and claws can grow longer than 3 inches
Species name: Berg Fowl Nick name: Ice Bird Height: Approximately 2 feet tall Weight: 8-90 lbs. Lifespan: 3-12 years Diet: Omnivore; plants, fish, small mammals, remains of animals Additional info: -The Berg Fowl lives solo, or alone -The Berg Fowl is not a picky eater, it will take what it can get -Wingspan can grow longer than 5 feet -Feathers can be blue, white, gray, or mixed -Talons can be sharper than knives and grow as long as 5 inches
That is all I'm writing down so far, though I am continuing with Galicia. --------------------------------------
Hello, if you've read this, you'd probably know these animals are possibly fake. This chapter didn't take me long to type, only around 20 minutes. I've used up the bits of my imagination to create some creatures, though most sound a lot like the animals we know of today. Keep reading for more on the guide. If there is anything you'd like say such as criticism, anything, just say it.
Chapter 1 - Galicia (Continued) This is the continuing part of Galicia, with only a few more animals.
Species name: Frosted Potam Fish Nick name: Frozen River Fish Length: Approximately 1 foot long Weight: 5-15 lbs Lifespan: 3-5 years Diet: Omnivore; river plants, water insects Additional info: -This fish can live in groups of 5 or more -Scale color, or appearance can be blue, shiny silver, gray, or mixed -When no food is available, they will resort to cannibalism -This fish can survive out of water for 90 minutes -Has sharp teeth which grow around an inch long, used for defense or attack
Species name: Belligerent Ursus Nick name: Aggressive Bear Height: 8 feet tall, 12 feet tall on two feet Weight: 800-2100 lbs. Lifespan: 18-40 years Diet: Omnivore; large mammals, fish, small mammals, plants Additional info: -The Aggressive Bear's roar can be heard up to 5 miles away -Lives alone all of its life, unless it is nursing cubs -Teeth can grow longer than 4 inches long -A bite from this bear can break bones, tear flesh, and kill -Fur is usually white, gray, mixed, and rarely, white with black spots -Can run up to 30 miles an hour ----------------------------------------------
I got kind of bored, lost imagination. My next chapter will be of the grasslands.
You should make some kind of main character in which goes through these places and let him make the guide. This will make the story much interesting and better to read. Ofcourse I would like to see you continue and try.