It's about time I had a thread of my own to write my cozy little thoughts.
From a defining point of view;
Is it that you are not what you always believed you were, or is it simply that you can't bear the logic of others? Mowing characteristics, narrowing yourself down to the state of an individual, was it ever as worthwile as being deluded about youself? All this searching in an earnest attempt to gain a step out of the mass, was it really all that cleaving? Or did you simply repeat yet again that amitotic process, staying the same in that organism we call ''humanity''? How much importance do you accord do individualism?
Others will be there to define us, it is up to us to value these opinions. The discovery of oneself starts with the discovery of others. There's so much beauty in the world; so much beauty it could make you cry.
Open your eyes my friends.
Pointless, visceral gibberish. Try to make the most out of it. I just felt like writing whatever came to my mind as fastly as possible, because I'm pretty stressed these days, which is incredibly unusual from me. Oh, and thanks for listening to this young man's rambling.
Hooray for conformism. This could be easily structured or developed to become a great poem, story or tapestry. I feel that you have the ground work done for something spectacular. I always thought I was special, then I realised I wasn't, which in turn made me special.
Fallen if you think you just wrote giberish I suggest you take a look on my writing thread with the little speel called From the Desk of The Writer. Now that sir, would be gibberish
There once existed an orchard of unfruitful bearing. However hard the humans devoted themself, the nurturing was to no avail, for they couldn't make even one of the ever skeletal trees grow the littlest life. As time passed, men practically left the fenced orchard to be what it always was; a deserted graveyard.
This piece of land was an enduring mystery, for the trees were leafless and moribund only when part of that unfaithful orchard; the vegetation surrounding the very fences of that hecatomb was lush and diversified. Color changing leaves, ever-green pine trees and proudful oaks provided the adjacent woods with a magnificent palette of vivid hues all year long whereas the orchard only displayed the murky dampness of organic deceit.
Quite ironically, the whole forest envied the orchard. The cadaveric trees, filtering sunlight and wuthering winds with their meager arms, had attention from all. They created pride and conceit out of being specially treated. Narcissitrees? Who could've known?
One day, a little forest tree sprouted vigorously on the very frontier traced by fence. By an enigmatic root tangling, he came to grow in the orchard; vivid and colorful amidst the undead wood. He was the pride and joy of the forest, yet regreted his fate horribly.
How could a world that seemed so exceptionnal from the outside be as empty and dull from the inside?
The young tree grew weary of being the healthiest and slowly withered down despite all the care he was given. He became a standing dead, as did all the other vigorous sprites before him in this place of luxurious fame.
You pay for what you get, why not enjoy what you got that you didn't pay for?
Fallen if you think you just wrote giberish I suggest you take a look on my writing thread with the little speel called From the Desk of The Writer. Now that sir, would be gibberish
~Slaps Wolf~
Pointless, visceral gibberish. I just felt like writing whatever came to my mind as fastly as possible, because I'm pretty stressed these days, which is incredibly unusual from me. Oh, and thanks for listening to this young man's rambling.
~Slaps Fallen~
GET IT TOGETHER YOU TWO. You both ROCK at poetry and all the big fancy scmancy wordings. So face the facts. You both inspire people. LIVE WITH IT.
Anyways. I like the tree. Poor tree. Depressed tree.
Why is it that when people grasp what the world is from a third person point of view THEY BECOME DEPRESSED OR DEAD. Now before any of you guys shoot me down. I say this because all of you people that write beautifully, with the exception of Parsat, are so gol darn down to earth?! WOULD IT KILL YOU TO WRITE A STORY ABOUT A HAPPY BUNNY THAT LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER?!?!?!?!?!?!? Who cares if it isn't true? You read a story to be thrown into a different place, not the same old world you live in every day. Make it a good one. A nice escape from the world!
Being too modest is always better than being too conceited.
Why is it that when people grasp what the world is from a third person point of view THEY BECOME DEPRESSED OR DEAD. Now before any of you guys shoot me down. I say this because all of you people that write beautifully, with the exception of Parsat, are so gol darn down to earth?! WOULD IT KILL YOU TO WRITE A STORY ABOUT A HAPPY BUNNY THAT LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER?!?!?!?!?!?!? Who cares if it isn't true? You read a story to be thrown into a different place, not the same old world you live in every day. Make it a good one. A nice escape from the world!
Shocking people out of their comfort zone is the best way to make them cogitate a wee bit more than usual.
As i like to say, and yes, i actually made this up, life is a knock-knock joke and everyday is another pun. Keep up the writing. you would make a good one.
A writer? Well, I keep whining about my insufficient English skills but these days I'm having more and more fun writing in English than in French... I just keep practicing in hopes of getting as good as Wolf, Gantic, Xzeno, Parsat and all the other fairly good authors here on Ag. I'll update soon enough.
I didn't deserve that. I spoke the truth, judging from a pure academic standpoint
Possibly. I thrive on what I view as the truth of human nature. Mind you I give SOME hope. As for Fallen, I liked that story, it isn't that dark really and it has a great lesson in it
I was thrown out of the decent writer club... ~cries~
I really do suck at writing though.... But that's okay.
Wolf, you did deserve it. as did fallen.
I give both of you a task. Write a story about a happy bunny that has a happy ending. I BET YOU CAN'T DO IT. I will be judging. Mwahahahahaha. Whoever wins, will get a certificate!
''Life handed us a paycheck, we said; We worked harder than this!'' -Isaac Brock
As a tree's numerous prominences Sinuously living amidst the dances Crammed inward as a bone's marrow Hardly ever growing to be ripe and mellow
Of meager glimpses you feed the thought That someday you'll burst splendidly With thousands of arms to constantly Shape the matter for which you fought
And that hope exudes a terrible mephitis The foul stench of sensible flesh For the deceit will forcefully mesh All your bricolage ideas of life's bliss
Be it for the camel, the lion or the baby It will all become clear eventually That no matter to what avail you mow You'll end up biting your tongue below
All the hard work will eat itself effortlessly Like a soft fruit with an avid set of teeth And you'll wonder why you toiled so strenuously To finally lose it all in a missing heartbeat
If you want, I will crit stuff latarz. Anbd I need to make a new writing thread for myself . . . .
Yes Alt, calm down...Steady buddy, here's your medication...just take it slow with that wa - NO DON'T SWALLOW IT WHOLE YOU'LL CHOKE!! You happy now? Told you to drink your water...Now to bed!