The first one is basic but the overall shape is very decent and realistic. The second one, in my opinion, could use some more lenght for the arms. Anyhow, that's pretty good work, keep it up. I know the MAW's missing some artist right now but I'm returning to school soon enough, which means I'll have access to a scanner. Thus, I'll be necroing my own art thread soon enough!
Hey thanks for the mini critique fallensky, I usually just get a 'thats good' response if I even get any. Yeah the first one is going for a more 'cartoony' look. I agree with your point on the second one too, but I tell you, I looked at it several times and just couldn't decide if they were really off or not.
Yeah, I got a thread I could have necro'd to put these in. It has tons of views but it got to the point to where I was talking to myself basically.
Here it is, [url]http:/community/thread/4167006/bronzes-random-art/page/43/[/url]. Loads of stuff to look at if ya want. I also got a dA, if you want a link just ask.
So is everyone now making a revival of their dead threads? Anyways bronze did you ever have a WoM character? I was thinking about making a Thread to practice drawing my character and it would be fun to get more people involved to do something like a "Everyday In the Life of (your character) in ArmorGames land"
Yeah sorry about that little critic, I'm aware I should've been more thorough but just didn't have the time. Anatomically speaking, these are very nice drawings; I especially like the second one better because you know...COUGHCOUGHicantusecolorsCOUGHCOUGH. Yeah, I'm bad with colors so I stick to black and white pencil art. So, my guess is that you like cyborgs and such? Seen robocob too many times as a child I suppose?
Very nice, i especially like the second one...I can't draw feet head on like that, I HATE FEET SO MUCH!...Is that first one colored with colored pencils? I'm with fallen with the whole "i can't use colors"... Actually i just noticed something, a very minor and hardly noticeable thing, on the second drawing, the torso seems to be...back?...more than the legs, i suppose though that could be because he is turned, giving (at least to me) the appearance that he's leaning back...
@FallenSky Never seen robocop (gasp), they are inspired from a game that is 12 years old called Tribes (I still play it lol). And you'll learn color if you take an art class, the teacher should focus on that stuff pretty early on.
@KingLemon I suck at feet to man, I have to have a model reference to look at. I always prefer to have a model to reference by, unfortunately most models seem to be completely naked. I think the whole thing with the second one looking out of proportion is the fact that the armor is so **** fat in places and skinny at others. For example, they head I sketched under the helmet was much smaller, but I added a lot of padding. Guess I need to work on that.