Well since I had a conversation on the WoM I was thinking about making a thread dedicated to doing a parody based on the same theme as the WoM except instead of a few Moderators making the decisions about the plot of the way things happen, this thread will focus on the characters in the world of AG.
1. You can either draw or write in this forum and tell the plot of a Character you create. 2. Each user is allowed only one character in this thread but developing multiple persona's within a plot is allowed. WoM characters can be used but is not necessary for you to have one from the WoM or use the same one. 3. You can use characters from other users in your story but the Main character in your plot must be yours and you must not deviate from other user characters persona. 4. Collaboration is encourage to develop plots and interactions of characters. 5. If you are not familiar with the setting of ArmorGames, heres a useful map made by Strop. Any Setting outside AG maybe used but if the setting of AG is used then this map will help you figure out where things are.
My character is Hectichermit, he is a wandering vagabond skilled in making concoctions of unstable nature and unusual qualities. He has been a tendency to wander off for months at a time into the wilderness. His long term exposure to chemicals and poisons had led he to have a greater resistance to them but has given him an a potent aura of odor that tends to put people of low tolerance in a daze.
Currently he has returned from training with wild animals to prepare for the HoboBrawl. Where the toughest bums test their strength against each other and the winner receives a prize called the "Black Bag" one of the greatest treasures in the vagabond community.
I guess you can make other characters in you plots, Since I was trying to make a parody of a game called No More Heros...and I will need other hobos to fight
Not really sure where to go with this. I would enter, but why don't you give a better description then what happens in the WoM, because I refuse to sift through those millions of pages.
MoonFairy Basically the moderators have created a world based on the ArmorGames website, the users create characters that represent them on the website and the moderators make a Round, which is basically a plot in the storyline. I made this thread so users can create their own stories for their characters on ArmorGames and so I can practice drawing my own character without having to follow the current plot in the set by moderators. I thought it would be a good idea since there are occasionally users who would like to make characters in the WoM but the process takes some time because the moderators have to fit their characters in the current storyline and they are usually busy.
zonic98 Yes I know its odd looking but thats how my character looks I was going for a sketch look
I thought it would be a good idea since there are occasionally users who would like to make characters in the WoM but the process takes some time because the moderators have to fit their characters in the current storyline and they are usually busy.
Basically what users with characters for the AG-verse (as per Strop) does.