You should make it longer and ... better. More descriptive. More of a story in one sentence rather than what it is: A statement with one element of a fairytale: How those are usually started. Basically, write a story instead of whatever that was.
You should make it longer and ... better. More descriptive. More of a story in one sentence rather than what it is: A statement with one element of a fairytale: How those are usually started. Basically, write a story instead of whatever that was.
Or: It was during the fall, and John was talking a walk down the street while looking at the leaves, those pretty brown leaves, which caught his attention so well that he never noticed the gunman standing in front of him, rifle pointing towards John's chest, and never saw the flame from the gun ans the projective tore through him, leaving him dead in those leaves that became his death. Evergoing sentences is my speciality.
hahaha. very nice. im actually very surprised this has so many responses. very nice. hers what i got- It was during the fall, and John was talking a walk down the street while looking at the leaves, those pretty brown leaves, which caught his attention so well that he never noticed the gunman standing in front of him, rifle pointing towards John's chest, and never saw the flame from the gun and the projective tore through him, leaving him dead in those leaves that became his death. The leaves which he loved so much had him slain. The killer like a shadow, never seen, never heard, and never caught. The leaves. Beware the leaves.
Haha this is fun you guys. this is actually based on the mod john. i quite like john. he seems cool
1. Please make longer posts. You know, like the rules state?
2. I thought it was supposed to be only one sentence? If it is not, I could do something much better... But then again, you were supposed to do better, eh?
I actually like the very short stories. Although yours perhaps doesn't invoke as much thought as it could. This one is by Hemingway. For sale: baby shoes, never worn.
One sentence? Well thank god for the semicolon (looks like this ; <-that thing over there in case you didn't notice.) John was a young lad with thick, short, wavy, light brown, hair, big blue eyes;he was neither skinny and weak nor large and muscular; he passed away recently, and here is the story behind his life...
Well technically that was one sentence Some rules to make a sentence longer add ,and ,or ,but to combine two complete sentences between two similar sentences add ; Run ons (the ones that you are not technically allowed to do, and they are seen in the USA Constitution (see how I just used , and?) Well that is that...