I'm sorta new here, so I'm not sure how to go about posting stuff. Well, here goes. Its a poem I wrote sometime last year.
Nothing. Darkness. Black abyss. Resonating emptiness in which nothing stirs. Lifeless. Mindless. Hollow bliss. Devoid of definition, the darkness shifts, blurs.
Intangible. Suppressing. Without limits; mysterious yet so forlorn. Numbing senses. Oppressing. Even Silence cannot sound his ivory horn.
Static stillness. Stagnation. Turbulent tides of time do not stir; frozen flow. Malevolent ****ation. Such lack of being, even Death has been brought low.
Unbreakable. Relentless. An all consuming wraith, a cold voracious maw. A bulwark. Strong and faultless. A fortress of stygian opal lacking flaw.
Flash! Heat and light! Crimson flare! Suddenly an explosion of being brought through! Rippling. Wavering red glare. The wall of cold consumed by flames of lively hue!
Courageous, defiant fire. Rebellious flame, the banner of Creation Bears a victorâs mien and ire. Darkness is destroyed by brutal immolation.
Focus; clarity defined. Definition makes its lines like a pane of glass Escaping black waterâs bind. The void is slipping; soon it will completely pass.
In the center of it all Lie the sparks of this Creationâs primal power. Coalescing in a ball Of life and light; so has passed in this worldâs first hour.
Hm, did not anticipate the various mistakes the transfer would make. The "�" are all meant to be apostrophes I think. I also forgot d*mn was censored on AG. Oh well.
Thanks for the praise but feel free to give me some constructive critisism. I am always looking to improve so this that would be helpful. Any suggestions, mistakes, anything that you can point out?