In the world lived a man. He had big theories about science and what his could be. The had a small hieght who was 2 inches tall no smaller or no less. This one was not like the otthers he was short and fat. His name was Sean Clavette. He had a wife named Rose Violet, she had a nice house on the beach. There was dog who was a great dain/german sphered. But one day there was a man who thought he could harm them for what they had, he could not have it so he planned a evil pilot. When the time came......... The man entered the house and found the wife dead..... He gasped, then paused speechless. Then he picked up the knife in which she was killed and stab her until there was no flesh on her face. for which he had hated the face since he met her when he was poor orphan on the street. Then in the end the police came in the sliently then found stabing her........ He had heard put the knife down, when he did he had. Then he went to jail for something he didn't do. But where was the husband and the dog. No one ever who he truly was or where he went.
also here at:
I think you should try to combine the sentences, and make them seem less random. Like, "In the world lived a man who had big theories about science...". Makes it look more like a story.
His name was Sean Clavette. He had a wife named Rose Violet, she had a nice house on the beach. There was dog who was a great dain/german sphered. But one day there was a man who thought he could harm them for what they had, he could not have it so he planned a evil pilot. When the time came......... The man entered the house and found the wife dead.....
This part looked extremely odd for me. You never learn anything about the plot (assuming it isn't pilot you meant), and the information about the dog seems very out of place. Also, the first time I read it, I though it was Sean who entered the house. After reading through it one more time, I'm not sure if you meant that it was the evil man who found the wife murdered. That would explain the second-last sentence.
No one ever who he truly was...
But you just told us... He's Sean Clavette.
Then he went to jail for something he didn't do.
I wouldn't say that a person who stabs the *BEEP* out of a corpse is completely innocent, though.
So what I'm saying is pretty much this:
*You're adding a bunch of things to the story which aren't described enough.
*Some of the information you give us, like the dog, seems very out of place.