This is my first time in the forums, so I do not know what the reaction of you guys to this is going to be.
Anyways, the purpose of this thread is a request for just the basics of game design, focusing more on music &sounds than anything else. Me and a few contemperaries (fledgling designers, like myself) Have banded together to make our first game. And me, being the artist and music writer, would like you, the armorgames community, to be willing to lend a hand in the how to of game design.
The main questions I am asking is:
-How do you get basic sounds like gunfire, footsteps, roars, ect.?
-What instruments do you recommend to make dramatic music, and action music (I am proficient in many instruments, including the violin, drums, guitar, and piano)
-How do you get the Sheen of metal in paint (I suppose there is the hard way, where you do the sheen pixle by pixle, but is there a trick)
Thats all I can think of right now.
Thank you so much.
(Please don't flame/troll me if there is a thread that answers these questions, I am not new to the forum at all)
-How do you get basic sounds like gunfire, footsteps, roars, ect.?
Usually a quick google of what you need would suffice.
-What instruments do you recommend to make dramatic music, and action music (I am proficient in many instruments, including the violin, drums, guitar, and piano)
I think you should not ask this. If you think you are a good music maker, then make your own music! Really, you will be surprised at what you could make.
-How do you get the Sheen of metal in paint (I suppose there is the hard way, where you do the sheen pixle by pixle, but is there a trick)
Regarding photo editing I commonly use photoshop, and actually there is a photoshop plugin that enables you to make the sheen of metal (and many others) in one click.
Ohh, and what game is this? (I'm thinking this is a flash game?)
As for dramatic music, take a listen to the known music, if you lack inspiration.
Sheen in paint: You will most likely have to use the techniques of other programmes in a more primitive way, as well as think a lot about what type of metal you are going to draw up. I can recommend looking through tutorials here, as well as looking up references. But for paint, usually there is no easy way, only a hard work done and skills/practice.