ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Starcraft Trilogy

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Everybody here know about the game Starcraft, right? Well this is the awesome Starcraft Story.

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128 posts

Once, there was a colony in the deep, wet snowy lands. And that clan was called the Frontier group. And this was at the beginning of time, so only six people were in this clan. One cold wet night, five of the Frontiers were asleep, but one of them (named Krin) just couldn't get himself to close his eyes. Maybe it was the wind, or maybe he sensed something was going on. So after a while of star gazing, he brought a little candle for a light, put on his heavy hide jacket, and he opened his fur tent, and set of on this journey that he would never end up forgetting.

As he walked out, he looked around at the trees casting little shadows upon him (even though there wasn't that much light to decrease the shadows) and he looked up in the sky. He saw a big star that he concentrated on. Then suddenly he saw a huge flash of light, looked behind himself and he saw a huge starship. It started coming down, and then he saw pitch dark. And that was all he remembered about that...

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