You, the user, are given a "tile" to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is Seasons and Weather. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. The Project will end when no more tiles can be placed or at the end of December, whichever comes first. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.
This season's tile is a completely different shape.
There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:
-Entries must fit within the tiles. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements. -Entries are limited to six per user maximum. -Entries will be accepted as they are and may be submitted individually or simultaneously. -Entries must relate to the theme. If it isn't immediately obvious, explanation may be necessary. -Entries must be completely original. -Entries must be submitted before January 1st.
Get your entries in before January 1st and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project in this thread.
Community Tile Project - Winter 2010 - Seasons and Weather NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.
There's something wrong there, light. The images are supposed to be 50 by 50 pixels, yet yours are much shorter. Maybe something went wrong with the copy and paste?
I re-sized them to 45 x 34 pixels since at 50 x 50 the tiles become much larger. They do appear short but oddly enough they fit right, or so I suppose.
Okay, here's one for fall. It's a leaf. I referenced this image [url=]
Here's the tile:
Just for fun the Reton8 tile Pack:
That's it one for every season. Nice work everyone!
The Community Tile Project is over. We have a total of 29 tiles. Thanks to everyone who submitted.
To those still wishing to enter look out for the next Community Tile Project starting late-February! Different Shape! Different Tiles! Different Theme!