So...we have about a week before the start of December, and I figured that it would be pretty awesome to start a "Poet of the Month" thread for each month. It should gain recognition for some of our fantastic poets here. We'll see if this takes off or not; if the former, good, if the latter, I won't be heartbroken anyway.
Now before I explain how this is going to work, I just want to say that I do not want this to be a popularity contest. It's a way to get our best poets here due praise and criticism. Any canvassing or solicitation of votes is going to get you thrown out.
Rules 1. In a reply to this thread or in a comment on my messenger, put the name of the poet you'd like to submit as well as why you think they deserve to get a month of recognition. You can put a link to a poem that you like, or an explanation of what you like about their poetry, or even just say how their poems inspire you. 2. The poet must be someone with an AG account who has written at some time or another on the AMW board. 3. NO SELF NOMINATIONS. 4. You may only submit one poet per month. 5. The deadline for December's Poet of the Month is the last day of November (the 30th). 6. The poet with the most amount of votes wins the month. After that, they cannot be poet of the month again for a year. Poets that are not selected for the month still keep their tallies, however.
Any vote that does not follow the guidelines (one word posts, lack of rationale) will not be counted.
The poet that gets the most votes will get a whole new thread entitled "December's Poet of the Month: (winner)," with a nice analysis of their work written by me, as well as links to their best poems and author threads. They'll also be featured in a post on #ArmorGamesUsers at DeviantArt! And of course, if if is the winner's desire, victory speeches, odes, songs, and poems are always welcome.
Who will be the month's Poet Laureate? That is up to you, fellow Armor Poets. Vote now!
Someone did vote for me! Of all the people that could have done so, I'm glad it's you that has voted for me Parsat, for I consider you to be a model poet. I'm a little puzzled as to why you did so regarding my recent performances in the poetry contest, but oh well, thanks a lot for that vote - and that comment. Don't think of this as a returning favor; I'll place my vote on you, because I think you're a remarkable poet in all aspects of poetry; you're exceedingly well versed in both the technical and practical perspectives.
I'm a little puzzled as to why you did so regarding my recent performances in the poetry contest
Bah, because it's a contest I judge on skill, ability, and message, not necessarily on what I like. Don't take performance on that contest as the yardstick of poetic know-how.
Bah, because it's a contest I judge on skill, ability, and message, not necessarily on what I like. Don't take performance on that contest as the yardstick of poetic know-how.
Haha, I guess it's hard to do so since I see you as a ''yardstick of poetic know-how''. In any case, it seems as though our winning poet will be Wolf.
Hello! Voting for January's Poet of the Month starts now! Votes from last month carry over. You may choose to vote for the same poet again, or for a different poet this time around.
My vote goes to Parsat, however, how can he be the poet of the month while being the instigator of this project? Will you rate and comment your own pieces yourself Parsat?
I am recasting my vote for Parsat, my personal favorite poet on armorgames overall. His command of traditional poetry writing as well as being able to not follow those rules to a wonderful end, along with his beautiful usage of words to show emotion and atmosphere made me fall in love with his work.
Well, I'm perfectly capable of speaking at length about myself. It might be too much work for everyone to rate and comment.
Also, my vote goes out to Zaork this month. His style is such that each word holds a great deal of individual power, which I can appreciate a great deal. It's probably the antithesis of my own writing, after all.
Hey guys, voting for next month's poet is up! The month's poet will enjoy:
1. A special thread with a critique/encouraging words/ego stroke from me 2. A guest judging of this poetry contest (Crossroads) 3. The ability to choose the theme for the next poetry contest with that judging.