Hello.I've dowloaded Pivot the other day and now im gonna upload my animations.Heres my first one.Yeah I know it sucks.
Whups lets try again.
Well heres a smaller one.
Tried fixing it, maybe try imageshack.us?
hopefully it works.
well heres the link.[url=http://img98.imageshack.us/i/85656207.gif/]
This should work, in the future check out the image posting guide in the newbie section.
Huh, that's strange, that should have worked...
let me try...
looks like it workedwhen putting a picture in the forums you must copy the image location and then put a code around it
I hope that one works at least.If it doesn't then use this.http://img201.imageshack.us/i/cows.gif/
crap.fukwon im doing what your doing but I can't get it.
Also, some suggestions.Try not to make it go too fast, for example. The stickman's leg basically zips too fast, you have to make it frame by frame. Sure, it'll take long, but it'll look better and more appealing.
Thanks for the tip.I'll do that in my necxt animation I guess.
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