This is a work in progress... I always have these ideas scattered around in my notebook but I figure why not share them. Basically this story is about a robot that exists in a society of robots. hurrah for Sci-fi stuff!
Chronicles of an Automaton: Fragments
They all end here, destroyed and ravaged, scattered into pieces and melted down into a raw form to become new again. I have been here for a long time, scavenging threw the remains of my fallen brothers searching for something that will free me from my bonds so I may become a citizen of this land. We were created to do the lowest forms of labor, to be silent servants, to survive, or perish into dust.
I think this is a very good idea. It was very short, but I enjoyed reading it. It's a lot like the style that I write in. You should definitely keep writing this. It was very short though, so I didn't get to read very much. I like it!!
well I was hoping to catch your attention I have many ideas written behind this story I just need to organize them into a way I can write without given too much away, I will come up with a much longer section later( probably post it tomorrow, I have been busy with exams in school) Eventually I want to include some illustrations...Thanks for the comments
well I have outlined the story a bit and will eventually get more into the way the robot society works, but our hero, who is being written about so far is at the low end of the society.