Some of you may remember the Art Skills Competition(ASC) that died some time ago, and there has been no succesful drawing art competition since it died. It died because there was no judge and other reasons, but I joined in the last 2 rounds of that competition and I have to say that I miss it.
So, I decided to have go at making another arty competition of that kind. And every succesful contest must have a set of rules.
1. You must not use artwork that belongs to any other person other than yourself
2. The artwork must be visual, not literary or audible. It can be a photo manipulation or drawing or other.
3. The deadline is 2 weeks from the setting of a new theme
4. You can submit more than one artwork, but must say which is your final
5. You must follow the theme
6. Anyone who fails to follow the first rule will be first warned, if repeated, then suspended for a round and then 2, and then banned until further notice.
7. The will be up to 5 awards each round which may vary, except for the 1st place award and Scenery award(background).
For anyone that would like to enter here's the Programs you could use alongside many others:
I actually tried to give crits to all, but managed to close down the tab where I had written it, so. But: Kudos for having a hand in your piece, it does take some bravery if there is almost nothing to cover up mistakes there. It is both a little too round and the wrist is ... huge, but otherwise it isn't half bad. As for the colours, I will compliment your for not being one of those literals having to put every colour in somehow, or taking the theme literally, but have not only taken to draw something a little less related as well as picked colours that compliment each other well. Huge blast of pink on the left should possibly not have been there, as it puts attention on the hand more than the colours.
Thank you very much. I think the purple explosion needs to be blurred a little, but everything else you said I see and agree with. The hand was the hardest part lol.
With big splat Without big splat (Can I change this to my entry) Without any red
I think the second one is the best. Without red the colors are to dark and similar, I think it adds a nice brightness to it.
Yeah, keep in the other red sparkles, it also fits better for the more - magical feel of it, perhaps, if you want to, put a bit more in the right side to draw attention to that end and the colours.
This took a while. It was hard to make it suttle but still becoming. I added a couple red sparkles, and a blue one, which made a HUGE difference for how transparent and small it was. I also added a little phazaz to the beginning of the laser.
I am now done spamming this thread xD and that ^^ is my final entry.