ForumsArt, Music, and WritingAwesome Art Contest: The Stone Age (p34)

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922 posts


Some of you may remember the Art Skills Competition(ASC) that died some time ago, and there has been no succesful drawing art competition since it died. It died because there was no judge and other reasons, but I joined in the last 2 rounds of that competition and I have to say that I miss it.

So, I decided to have go at making another arty competition of that kind. And every succesful contest must have a set of rules.

1. You must not use artwork that belongs to any other person other than yourself

2. The artwork must be visual, not literary or audible. It can be a photo manipulation or drawing or other.

3. The deadline is 2 weeks from the setting of a new theme

4. You can submit more than one artwork, but must say which is your final

5. You must follow the theme

6. Anyone who fails to follow the first rule will be first warned, if repeated, then suspended for a round and then 2, and then banned until further notice.

7. The will be up to 5 awards each round which may vary, except for the 1st place award and Scenery award(background).

For anyone that would like to enter here's the Programs you could use alongside many others:

GIMP - free
Corel Painter(costs)

This round's Theme is



The 2 varying awards for this round are:

Weapon award
Stealth award

I will be the judge, so I won't enter

Hope this works

  • 362 Replies
1,828 posts

Slam Dunk Medal

Well it is an interesting idea for a monkey playing basketball against a Dinosaur. I am not sure if a sport is really a battle but I would suggest scaling the ball a bit larger and perhaps emphasizing how the monkey has gotten such a great lead in score.

The Fallen Warrior Merit

I like the concept of showing the aftermath of a battle but a bloody mask doesn't fully elaborate a grand fight between two adversaries, maybe some scattered or broken weapons.

Cenere and Zophia
Scenery Award

This is of course one of the most developed images showing both good technique and proficient knowledge of composition the background and colors empahsis the division of dark and light which is why I chose this one for the Scenery Award. But I am unsure about the absoluteness of the rules in this contest, that is the individual requirement of submission so on a technicality, the collaboration of two artists submitting one entry it has swayed me from letting it win.

1st Place Award

I think with a little more neatness in the silhouettes this would look better but I like you making another parody of Star Wars, I don't know your motivations for the use of silverware maybe you can explain what made you choose that? So based on my criticizing of both content and methods of the submitted entries I have decided that the one that most illustrates Battle in this contest is yours.

The next theme for the contest is The Stone Age

13,657 posts

Uhm, I don't know why, but you got the "Two artists submitting one work" wrong. Zophia submitted the work up there. I had, and still have no interesting in competing.
It might be a collab, but it would only be zophia who would have won.

1,828 posts

Well I didn't know that from the posts I wasn't sure if it would break the first rule or not, not trying to be mean but I was thinking this contest is an individual effort. I know theres always grey areas in rules and what is going on when artists make the entrie and I know Zophia submitted it. But the rule clearly says

You must not use artwork that belongs to any other person other than yourself
and from the
Collab with Cen
comment I interpreted this as breaking the rules. Sorry if my judging seems unfair.
789 posts

I think with a little more neatness in the silhouettes this would look better but I like you making another parody of Star Wars, I don't know your motivations for the use of silverware maybe you can explain what made you choose that? So based on my criticizing of both content and methods of the submitted entries I have decided that the one that most illustrates Battle in this contest is yours.

Wtf... I got first? Even if I was by myself that doesn't deserve first lol.
The Silverware... No idea... Yea it was kinda sloppy and what not
1,828 posts

Thus judging has failed dunno if I was being to literally in the theme.I gave you first because I didn't think basketball illustrated battle and between yours and Pazx yours showed some sorta combat, then the whole thing with interpreting the rules with the other.

2,027 posts

Thus judging has failed dunno if I was being to literally in the theme.I gave you first because I didn't think basketball illustrated battle and between yours and Pazx yours showed some sorta combat, then the whole thing with interpreting the rules with the other.

I never expected to win, I threw my picture together in paint in a pretty short time, and I was sloppy, so I don't really care about the judging. What I do wonder, however, is how a game of chess, which you even used as an example, can be a battle, if a sports match cannot?
8,257 posts

Stone Age? Reminds me of a (probably neolithic) Cromlec'h (a tomb under a hill) I visited once in northwest France. Here's a doodle of what the entrance roughly looked like:

It really isn't big, I had to stoop to go through that. The small chamber in the heart of the hill was a bit higher, though not big, and it was oppressive in there.

1,828 posts

I never expected to win, I threw my picture together in paint in a pretty short time, and I was sloppy, so I don't really care about the judging. What I do wonder, however, is how a game of chess, which you even used as an example, can be a battle, if a sports match cannot?

Well I was taking the theme kinda literal
2,027 posts

Well I was taking the theme kinda literal

What I wonder is how a game of chess can count if sports can't. If you were taking it literal, the chess shouldn't count either.
9,434 posts

This is due to Manny abandoning the contest.
Manny was the one saying the thing about chess.

As for the "collabs not allowed" thing, I'd again say it would have been up to Manny (if he hadn't ditched the contest) - the rule is in place to prevent people from stealing art and submitting it. collabs are a joint effort, not thievery.

I don't mind how it was done, though. This is a contest with no tangible reward, missing out on first place is missing out on very little. :P

1,612 posts

Manny was the one saying the thing about chess.

Actually jaza said, but he is off too atm.
I don't mind how it was done, though. This is a contest with no tangible reward, missing out on first place is missing out on very little. :P

There are a few people that sadly don't think this way.
13,657 posts

Considering there is not even a "Champion's exhibition", the only thing you get is "Yo, I have some reason for giving you this rank". As a winner, you could still win the next round too. Perhaps.

Either way, I am however thinking about locking this until the (lack of) judge issue has been resolved.
Either by making a new thread stating new rules like "Winner judges" or something similar, or Manny gets back and takes some responsibility on the matter.
It might be a funny, no reward contest, but if you actually try to do something proper (I can see most are in the category), it is rather frustrating with the changing terms, and unreliable judges.
It is one thing to have a judge that is chronically too late every time, like the pokemon contest, and a contest where the reason the judgement is late, is because the judge has wandered off and asked the contestants to solve it themselves.

1,828 posts

Yea i know theres the thing about judging, perhaps it would be best if there was a sticky about making art contests, probably best to make a contest a short term project, especially since that most of the ones that survive for a long time tend to lose their judges. I think perhaps it might be best to lock this thread if no one disagrees, I will not judge the next round.

922 posts

wait don't lock!

I'M BACK!!!! anyway.. those issues with collab are solved by me saying:

collabs allowed.. there is no rule saying: No collabs.

anyway, I'll judge and btw I did not 'abandon' or 'ditch' the contest.. I was just too busy to judge it..

4 posts

Well , I would like to be the host for this contest. I'm since 5 years into designing and have been on quite some forums. Been judge before and I can live with the fact that I won't be able to join the rounds myself. I'd like to start an new threat then , because I prefer to use the beginpost every round again. This makes it easier for everyone to see who's in. Also I would say , duration of a round should be a week. If someone is late , he can just join the next one and everyone who isn't really into the Theme can skip. Well gues I have to discuss this with an Moderator first anyway. is my msn/hotmail , lemme know when I could do this or when you want to discuss if needed. Also people who object tell me or post here.


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