ForumsArt, Music, and Writingrapping!

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266 posts

dont know if this is much so plz subscibe or what ever u guys do

id like to thank my friend kyle for helping me make this

me and my brother micheal were out pking,so listen up noobs to the words that im saying
i saw a noob come over the hill, 1 hit kill 4.2m
my name is jon i play emps-scape all day, and walk around eating manta rays
thats it noobs, ive had enough, watch me hit my spec and take ur stuff

there my frenns short rap like it??

  • 31 Replies
3,086 posts

Perhaps a mod should have deleted the one without the failed failed link code :/
Last time. It's a funny clip that deserves mention.

3,174 posts

But fail anyway on so many levels. I don't think you can technically pwn a newb in Sonny 2 anyway. Forgot the link the last time too.

unless he was referring to taking out a loan on noobs on consignment.

Guys I wasn't serious.

But here's another one:

Oh, there goes Reton.
He choked, he's so mad, but he won't give up that easy.
No! He won't have it.
He knows that his last rap was so bad that he choked.
It might be that the last link he posted was broke?
So listen up all of you &quoteeps", "blokes", and "folks".
I'm going to get my back off of these ropes.

I just was taught a few lesson, but I've done my assignment.
So subscribe to my rhyme as I pawn these noobs highscores in consignment.
I went back to the lab and took my rap and refined it.
Gave the rhyme a paint job and a wheel alignment.
So, now, let me sit down and play the nonexistent Exit Path Two.
I parodied Eminem a little, I hope He doesn't sue.

3,174 posts

Someday I will learn how to post and spell. (Forgot the s in lessons and it's really bothering me sorry to double post.) Check this video out too: Average Homeboy

Oh, there goes Reton.
He choked, he's so mad, but he won't give up that easy.
No! He won't have it.
He knows that his last rap was so bad that he choked.
It might be that the last link he posted was broke?
So listen up all of you &quoteeps", "blokes", and "folks".
I'm going to get my back off of these ropes.

I just was taught a few lessons, but I've done my assignment.
So subscribe to my rhyme as I pawn these noobs highscores in consignment.
I went back to the lab and took my rap and refined it.
Gave the rhyme a paint job and a wheel alignment.
So, now, let me sit down and play the nonexistent Exit Path Two.
I parodied Eminem a little, I hope He doesn't sue.

13,657 posts

I'm pretty sure he was trying to come off as rude Cen :/

In that case he can take it as a warning and not a reminder not to borderline flame on this site, because there will otherwise be bans cast in his direction.
266 posts

what u think im like some nerd that spells everything right
i hate grammer

3,086 posts

Noooo, we credited you (as we do all users) with a chance to actually know how to spell with the basic, legible requirements.

i hate grammer

You certainly seem to.
3,174 posts

Spam hammer, Ban Hammer, the new mod tool should be....

The Grammar Hammer!

3,437 posts

what u think im like some nerd that spells everything right
i hate grammer

No. What I think of you would be innapropriate to say on this website, so I shall refrain. You posted your "rap" on the internet, therefore that gives us the right to critique. You have no right to get mad at us over your lack of intelligence and ability to be coherent. If you don't want to have us critique you then either: Learn how to spell and use punctuation, or, don't post.
13,657 posts

Oh dear...
Let's take the OP first. Please, if you do not wish to receive critique for your writing, you should state this. However, that does usually mean that you will not get many responses.
Critique is there to help you improve, and improvement would give you more feedback, and more people liking and following your thread. However, both bad grammar and bad behaviour like that will only attract those guys, who will do nothing but insult you until either you break and get banned, or a mod decides they have been jerks for too long, and ban them. Until now, I believe the score is 0-9 to them, but that is going to change.
So, please. Either take the critique as a help, or don't comment on it, and ignore them. Calling people nerds for spelling correctly is going to get you disliked really fast, since we are a lot of people with the ability to write English properly or at least to an extend that is acceptable.
Further more, you would probably be easier to understand.

For the poets of AG, who does like to criticise everyone with some twitchy English:
I have been over this before: Behave. You are supposed to be the better men here, the writers and poets and senior users... And you go on telling this guy his rap sucks, that he is stupid and that he and his writing is a failure to everything.
Instead of telling him properly how to improve, I see many simply state "Your grammar fails, you can't spell, so it all sucks". I know some of you do a small attempt on actually being helpful, but I do see stuff like this more and more frequently whenever someone like our OP is posting. Yes, he might "deserve it" after what he said, but that does not mean you shouldn't take the higher road and keep it cool and without breaking the rules yourself.
So, please do behave like the people I have respect for, and not the people I usually ban for being utter and total tools.

If you don't want to have us critique you then either: Learn how to spell and use punctuation, or, don't post.

Or he could state he did not want a critique. While this might be the internet, it is also AG, a place there people usual behave well and respect each other and their wishes.
3,437 posts

Or he could state he did not want a critique. While this might be the internet, it is also AG, a place there people usual behave well and respect each other and their wishes.

Fair enough Cen, but he didn't say he didn't want people to comment on it, and when that happens, people will throw in their two cents. Once more I've come off a little harsh, and I apologize.

Ps: send sleeping pills.
13,657 posts

Fair enough Cen, but he didn't say he didn't want people to comment on it, and when that happens, people will throw in their two cents. Once more I've come off a little harsh, and I apologize.

First part: Yup, I know. And the default would also be "Please comment on this, so I know what you think about it" (especially with an OP worded like it was).
Second part: No problem.

And I would, if it wasn't a prescription drug, and I could use some myself.
3,437 posts

Sleeping pills are prescribed medication? Since when? Maybe in America, because I know I can walk up to Shoppers Drug Mart and grab a bottle.

13,657 posts

Sleeping pills are prescribed medication? Since when? Maybe in America, because I know I can walk up to Shoppers Drug Mart and grab a bottle.

Denmark doesn't want people sleeping, apparently. I would know, I have tried to get some, but to no avail.
3,437 posts

Denmark doesn't want people sleeping, apparently. I would know, I have tried to get some, but to no avail.

My bad for assuming you were American >.>

But doesn't Denmark allow a whole slew of things that other countries are iffy on?
22,207 posts

Well here's an unrelated rap I made >.>

Yo you cant handle these masta moves
I may not be a rapper
But I can bust a rhyme
And school you too
Swish, swish
Is all I can find
Y'all think im TIVO
Ya wanna press rewind
You cant handle my game
When im flyin through the air
Yo chick be like dam!
N you be runnin scared
I be rockin dat rim
All night long
you be goin in circles
where the... he gone!
So don't get mad at me
Cuz yo a** is whack
I just keep rippin dat twine!
n' i know
y'all wont be back

criticism please

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