The forums! I've had it. I can't stand this. I mad at it. Ever thread that's boring floats to the top. And Ever thread I post in sinks to the bottom. Then months later my threads get necro'd and a Mod has to lock'em.
Do my posts just not have enough pizazz? Do I need to post more like an internet spaz? Short two word comments, like, "meh Ok-ayy"?. Nah, I'm turning of my computer and going outside to play.
(Just kidding, I'll probably just be on the forums still lol). Also feel free to tell me what you thought about the rap or post a rap reply.
What *was* that post? You think *you* got it bad? Try being a mod or admin, who makes everyone mad. We got it worse, everybody hates us If they saw us on the streets, you *know* that they'd chase us 'round every corner, through every alley through backstreets and avenues all the way to south Cali
It started in the forums, I just meant to lurk Then I start deleting spam, and got called a jerk So temp-bans abound, and users they hate me, I get no respect, all it does is deflate me. They harass me by Email or breakin' other rules So I ban 'em all again, what a buncha foo's
But then I remember, I got a job to do to delete all the spam and erase all the poo... So I'll jus' keep working on the new AG3 Maybe then sommay'all users will start respectin' me.