This is nothing really to do with anything on Armor, but one of my buddies threw me the idea of drawing a warrior atop a flying a Yoshi. Last night I loaded up MyPaint and began sketching it out. Current progress is as shown and I will update as I finish the piece.
Wow, and this is done on the computer? ... I would have a hard time doing that on paper(bc i like crisp clean strokes) let alone on the computer...(I HATE PHOTOSHOP SO MUCH, RAAGGEE EVERYTIME I USE IT!!!)
Yep, and I agree, for stuff like this Photoshop is extremely annoying, but MyPaint is proving to be a much more capable software if you expect a digital artwork to behave like you were doing it on paper/canvas. So far it has not disappointed....I can't praise the program enough, heh. Once all my details are blocked in I'm going to try my hand at my first ever digital painting (or painting at all really).
I really want this to be as epic as I originally envisioned it in my head.
Looking great! Does the program come with a stylus interface (the digital pen and digital, for lack of better terms,) that mimics the pencil and paper? Or are you do you have to use a mouse?
No, I'm using my Adesso 10x6 graphics tablet with the program and it works beautifully. It recognized all the pressure inputs and from what I understand it also recognizes the tilt of the pen stylus, but that's a feature I pretty much never use.
No, I'm using my Adesso 10x6 graphics tablet with the program and it works beautifully. It recognized all the pressure inputs and from what I understand it also recognizes the tilt of the pen stylus, but that's a feature I pretty much never use.
The program itself recognizes the pressure and tilt or your tablet does that?
The program itself recognizes the pressure and tilt or your tablet does that?
Well obviously the tablet has to have the ability, but most programs usually only recognize the pressure, like Blender 3d, where Photoshop and MyPaint respond to the tilt as well.
How much money you got? Haha...practice man, lots of practice and lots of observation. Do a drawing a day at the least, observe the public when you can and attempt to quickly jot down interesting movement or pose to flesh out into a fuller drawing later. Focus on realism first and learn the rules of anatomy and perspective. It's all just practice.
well I got a tablet with no tilt anyways I been using MyPaint for like a year I think...I the 6.0 version then you try to make your own brushes/ brush sets yet?
No, I haven't, but for things like sketching I've never seen a point to it in any program. I've never attempted a digital painting, though I've messed around with the theory of color mixing and such, and really I've never done a painting on this will be my first attempt at painting. I'm interested myself to see how it comes out haha. After tomorrow I have 2 weeks off from classes so I hope to make good progress in this.
Looking to revive this thread. Took time off from this project with my 3 weeks off of school. My brain and my body needed this break and I'm going to go headlong back into school and personal projects with a fervor. This one will be finished by the end of this month....I hope.