ok so recently ive decided im going to ask this girl out on saturday and ive been trying to think of really good ways to do it. and so i came up with the idea of a poem. one that has the first letter of every stanza spell "w-o-u-l-d y-o-u g-o o-u-t w-i-t-h m-e" and actually have like stuff be all sweet and romantic and what not.
unfortunatly i am the most uncreative person ever when it comes to writing so im asking you guys to try and help. ask any questions you need but ill choose the best one if you will let me.
It can be quite simple. I wrote a song about war with the first few lines having the first letter of each line spell "Y-O-U-H-A-V-E-L-O-S-T-T-H-E-G-A-M-E" Just start thinking of words for just the first word of the stanza and the rest well come alot easier. If you want any more help message me on my profile