ForumsArt, Music, and WritingI was really bored so I made this.

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There was once a King long, long ago. He had everything he can possibly want: Riches, armies, a wife, great advisers, and was famous throughout the world. But there was one thing that the King did not have. A son. The King yearned for a son to continue his lineage. Everyday on his daily stroll through town he watched jealously at the poor peasants. Even they had something he did not have. For years the King and Queen waited for a child. Many times the royal couple visited orphanages hoping to adopt a child. But none of then were right. None were fit to carry on the kingship. He was getting old and he needed a prince.
One night the King had a dream. In his dream he saw...

To be continued...

feedback appreciated. I want to hear what you think of it.

  • 6 Replies
8,051 posts

King stories are too overdone, like zombies and vampires for me.

Guessing plot is he sees perfect son, sets out to get him, son turns out evil in some way, son turns back to good in the end when the king may or may not die in the process.

578 posts

Graham due to my overactive imagination i could think of at least a 1000 ways that vision could be.For example he could have a vision of him buying a donut.Or Of A man offering him to be on wheel of fortune.Seriously dont act as though it has to be like that.

560 posts


"Son, How many times do I have to tell you not to hang out with that servant boy?!"King Herod scolded his son. "But Dad, Norlin is the only kid in the castle my age!"Prince Thomas (need better name!!!) said. "It's not fit for royalty to mingle with such sorts!" King Herod told him. "A young prince like you must uphold his dignity!".
"Whatever you say dad. Whatever you say."Thomas said in defeat. "Now son, get to bed! It's very late. We must not be tired! Baron Kertzinger is coming tomorrow!"
"Hey, Norlin!"Thomas whispered as he shut the door of Norlin's small room."I had to go through one of dad's lectures again. Hope you didn't mind the wait." Norlin remained silent. He looked uncomfortable. "Awww, C'mon Norlin. Dad doesn't know what he's talking about. All royalty these days think they are higher than anyone else!" Thomas consoled Norlin.
"Yeah but...If he catches me with you..." Norlin said clearly unconvinced. "Nah! Who cares? C'mon let's go practice!" Thomas urged. "Staff fighting? Sure I call the scepter!" Norlin exclaimed, all problems forgotten. "Whose turn is it now? Who gets the scepter?" Norlin asked. "Last time I took it. Your turn now!"
"Okay Norlin, I'll get it from my father's room." Thomas walked up the candle-lit hallways and sneaked into his father's room. He took the gleaming scepter leaning against his father's bed. "Got it!' Thomas shouted as soon as he was in Norlin's room. "Let's play now!" Sounds of groaning and yawning came from his father's room. "Uh-Oh! It's dad! Quick! Hide the scepter!'" Thomas whispered loudly. King Herod stumbled in. "I know you two are in here! Get out from where you're hiding!" Norlin and the prince came out from the closet and under the bed. "What's this?!" His father exclaimed as he saw a gleam from under the bed. He pulled the scepter out. "I didn't do it dad! I didn't do it!" Thomas pleaded clearly frightened that he'd been caught. "I didn't know it was even there! It was Norlin! It was Norlin, Dad!"
"Both of you, get out!!!"King Herod shouted. "I will talk to you about this later!" The next day at breakfast he saw Norlin wasn't there. He happened to pass by a man reading the local newspaper. The headlines blazed: "SERVANT BOY CAUGHT STEALING THE KING'S SCEPTER! SENT AWAY IN EXILE!"Thomas almost passed out. His best friend exiled?! It just SORRY, TO BE CONTINUED...

Chapter 1

There was once a King long, long ago. He had everything he can possibly want: Riches, armies, a wife, great advisers, and was famous throughout the world. But there was one thing that the King did not have. A son. The King yearned for a son to continue his lineage. Everyday on his daily stroll through town he watched jealously at the poor peasants. Even they had something he did not have. For years the King and Queen waited for a child. Many times the royal couple visited orphanages hoping to adopt a child. But none of then were right. None were fit to carry on the kingship. He was getting old and he needed a prince.
One night the King had a dream. In his dream he saw himself holding the scepter. He was scrutinizing it as if there was something wrong with it. Then the King saw that he was trying to put a jewel that fell out of the scepter back in. He could not. He went to many artisans and asked them to put it back in. They had no idea of what he was talking about. "I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're talking about, Your Highness." They would say. "The jewel is in it's place." No one saw anything wrong with the scepter except for him. But he felt a strange obsession over it. He woke up wondering what the dream meant. But since it was only a dream he quickly forgot about it. But that night he had the same dream. He felt a strange connection to it. After a week of having the same dreams he went over to his royal advisers. "Every single day I've been having this same strange dream for a week now.", the King said. "I wake up with a strange feeling as if it is of importance." TO BE CONTINUED...

560 posts


"Son, How many times do I have to tell you not to hang out with that servant boy?!"King Herod scolded his son. "But Dad, Norlin is the only kid in the castle my age!"Prince Thomas (need better name!!!) said. "It's not fit for royalty to mingle with such sorts!" King Herod told him. "A young prince like you must uphold his dignity!".
"Whatever you say dad. Whatever you say."Thomas said in defeat. "Now son, get to bed! It's very late. We must not be tired! Baron Kertzinger is coming tomorrow!"
"Hey, Norlin!"Thomas whispered as he shut the door of Norlin's small room."I had to go through one of dad's lectures again. Hope you didn't mind the wait." Norlin remained silent. He looked uncomfortable. "Awww, C'mon Norlin. Dad doesn't know what he's talking about. All royalty these days think they are higher than anyone else!" Thomas consoled Norlin.
"Yeah but...If he catches me with you..." Norlin said clearly unconvinced. "Nah! Who cares? C'mon let's go practice!" Thomas urged. "Staff fighting? Sure I call the scepter!" Norlin exclaimed, all problems forgotten. "Whose turn is it now? Who gets the scepter?" Norlin asked. "Last time I took it. Your turn now!"
"Okay Norlin, I'll get it from my father's room." Thomas walked up the candle-lit hallways and sneaked into his father's room. He took the gleaming scepter leaning against his father's bed. "Got it!' Thomas shouted as soon as he was in Norlin's room. "Let's play now!" Sounds of groaning and yawning came from his father's room. "Uh-Oh! It's dad! Quick! Hide the scepter!'" Thomas whispered loudly. King Herod stumbled in. "I know you two are in here! Get out from where you're hiding!" Norlin and the prince came out from the closet and under the bed. "What's this?!" His father exclaimed as he saw a gleam from under the bed. He pulled the scepter out. "I didn't do it dad! I didn't do it!" Thomas pleaded clearly frightened that he'd been caught. "I didn't know it was even there! It was Norlin! It was Norlin, Dad!"
"Both of you, get out!!!"King Herod shouted. "I will talk to you about this later!" The next day at breakfast he saw Norlin wasn't there. He happened to pass by a man reading the local newspaper. The headlines blazed: "SERVANT BOY CAUGHT STEALING THE KING'S SCEPTER! SENT AWAY IN EXILE!" Thomas almost passed out. His best friend exiled?! It just couldn't be!!! And it was all his fault! Don't worry. Don't worry, He told himself. Servant boys are dispensable. I'll just ask dad to get me a new one my age. After all I'm royalty. Still, he knew deep down that this was dreadfully wrong. He shouldn't have lied and blamed it on Norlin. This was what set him and the king apart. Thomas always said that all people should be treated the same. And here he was saying servant boys were dispensable! He went to his room and locked himself there. "I must not cry", he said. Royalty is royalty.

560 posts

sorry for triple posting.


"Son, How many times do I have to tell you not to hang out with that servant boy?!"King Herod scolded his son. "But Dad, Norlin is the only kid in the castle my age!"Prince Thomas (need better name!!!) said. "It's not fit for royalty to mingle with such sorts!" King Herod told him. "A young prince like you must uphold his dignity!".
"Whatever you say dad. Whatever you say."Thomas said in defeat. "Now son, get to bed! It's very late. We must not be tired! Baron Kertzinger is coming tomorrow!"
"Hey, Norlin!"Thomas whispered as he shut the door of Norlin's small room."I had to go through one of dad's lectures again. Hope you didn't mind the wait." Norlin remained silent. He looked uncomfortable. "Awww, C'mon Norlin. Dad doesn't know what he's talking about. All royalty these days think they are higher than anyone else!" Thomas consoled Norlin.
"Yeah but...If he catches me with you..." Norlin said clearly unconvinced. "Nah! Who cares? C'mon let's go practice!" Thomas urged. "Staff fighting? Sure I call the scepter!" Norlin exclaimed, all problems forgotten. "Whose turn is it now? Who gets the scepter?" Norlin asked. "Last time I took it. Your turn now!"
"Okay Norlin, I'll get it from my father's room." Thomas walked up the candle-lit hallways and sneaked into his father's room. He took the gleaming scepter leaning against his father's bed. "Got it!' Thomas shouted as soon as he was in Norlin's room. "Let's play now!" Sounds of groaning and yawning came from his father's room. "Uh-Oh! It's dad! Quick! Hide the scepter!'" Thomas whispered loudly. King Herod stumbled in. "I know you two are in here! Get out from where you're hiding!" Norlin and the prince came out from the closet and under the bed. "What's this?!" His father exclaimed as he saw a gleam from under the bed. He pulled the scepter out. "I didn't do it dad! I didn't do it!" Thomas pleaded clearly frightened that he'd been caught. "I didn't know it was even there! It was Norlin! It was Norlin, Dad!"
"Both of you, get out!!!"King Herod shouted. "I will talk to you about this later!" The next day at breakfast he saw Norlin wasn't there. He happened to pass by a man reading the local newspaper. The headlines blazed: "SERVANT BOY CAUGHT STEALING THE KING'S SCEPTER! SENT AWAY IN EXILE!" Thomas almost passed out. His best friend exiled?! It just couldn't be!!! And it was all his fault! Don't worry. Don't worry, He told himself. Servant boys are dispensable. I'll just ask dad to get me a new one my age. After all I'm royalty. Still, he knew deep down that this was dreadfully wrong. He shouldn't have lied and blamed it on Norlin. This was what set him and the king apart. Thomas always said that all people should be treated the same. And here he was saying servant boys were dispensable! He went to his room and locked himself there. "I must not cry", he said. Royalty is royalty.

Chapter 1:
There was once a King long, long ago. He had everything he can possibly want: Riches, armies, a wife, great advisers, and was famous throughout the world. But there was one thing that the King did not have. A son. The King yearned for a son to continue his lineage. Everyday on his daily stroll through town he watched jealously at the poor peasants. Even they had something he did not have. For years the King and Queen waited for a child. Many times the royal couple visited orphanages hoping to adopt a child. But none of then were right. None were fit to carry on the kingship. He was getting old and he needed a prince.
One night the King had a dream. In his dream he saw himself holding the scepter. He was scrutinizing it as if there was something wrong with it. Then the King saw that he was trying to put a jewel that fell out of the scepter back in. He could not. He went to many artisans and asked them to put it back in. They had no idea of what he was talking about. "I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're talking about, Your Highness." They would say. "The jewel is in it's place." No one saw anything wrong with the scepter except for him. But he felt a strange obsession over it. He woke up wondering what the dream meant. But since it was only a dream he quickly forgot about it. But that night he had the same dream. He felt a strange connection to it. After a week of having the same dreams he went over to his royal advisers. "Every single day I've been having this same strange dream for a week now.", the King said. "I wake up with a strange feeling as if it is of importance."
"We are no dream interpreters, Your Highness." they said. "But, there are rumors of a man in the far reaches of the kingdom. He lives in a cave. He's rumored to have mystical powers and can interpret dreams. He is wise beyond imagination, they say."
"Thank you. And what is his name?" the King asked. "Totalrus is his name, Your Highness." One adviser said.
"Totalrus...hmmm..." the King mumbled. "I will see about it." The King left the room. He walked down the well lit hallway and walked into his room. He got on peasant clothes and a hooded robe. He took a small map of the kingdom and a longbow he hadn't touched in years to help him on his journeys. He left a note by the grand table saying "I have left dressed as a peasant to look for Totalrus. I did not tell you because this journey must be taken alone. I will be safe. I leave Lord Baegalsworth the chief adviser in my place until I get back. Tell the Queen not to worry. The forces will protect me." Before he walked out he screamed "INTRUDER! INTRUDER!" as all the guards scrambled around getting their weapons the King slipped away. He ran away from the castle into the Banglethorn Forest. The King shivered. Banglethorn Forest was known for it being haunted by the evil forces. He took out the map that he brought and looked at his destination: The Strapalpian Mountains. Somewhere in there was the cave where Totalrus lived. He wrapped his robes tightly around him and set northwest. All of a sudden he heard a twig snapping. He spun around and saw a band of thieves running off in the distance. Then he heard a cry. It seems that the thieves had grabbed a woman from the town nearby as hostage. "Help me! Help me!" she shrieked. "Arggh! Shut up lady!" The leader growled."You'll get home nice and sound if you little friends pay up." He laughed evilly. The King couldn't believe his eyes! He had no clue that this went on in his kingdom! He hadn't used his longbow for years. Years ago it was a hobby of his. Well now was the time to see if it payed off. He strung the bow and aimed at the tree nearest to the gang leader. "Thwang!" the arrow embedded itself deep into the bark. The gang leader shouted "There! There he is! The one in the hood! Get him!" The King quickly ran away. After he was sure that the thieves lost him he circled back. There he saw a young girl all tied up. He quickly untied her. "What what-?! Where are we? Who are you? Why did you save me? "
"One at a time girl. One at a time." the King laughed. "We are in Banglethorn Forest and as for who I am-"
"Banglethorn Forest! My mother always tells me never to go there. It's haunted, she says. "Never go there!" she once told me. "Wild animals and evil forces are at work there my dear girl!" But is it true, sir? Is it true?"
"No, No! Banglethorn Forest is not haunted though as we just saw there are thieves and bandits. And back to your original questions, I am an important man but I am on a secret mission. Do you understand me girl? You must not tell anyone that you saw me! Understand?" The girl nodded her head. "Good. I saved you because I am a good man. Now tell me, exactly what happened?"
"Well I was playing with my older brother and then all of a sudden I disappeared! I just found myself in chains and ropes. Then this scary guy with one red eye and one brown-"
"The band leader?" the King asked. "Yes it must have been. And then I asked him what he was going to do to me and he said that the forces are hungry. So I screamed for help and that's when you shot that arrow." The girl shivered. "Can we go now?"
"Yes. Do you know the way to town from here, young lady?"
"Sure. Thanks for saving my life. And do you know what he meant by 'The forces are hungry' ?" The King looked uncomfortable. "Some stuff is not for kids. Sorry."
"Okey-dokey! Bye!" The girl ran off. So...the forces are warring again. Oh boy. This was not good. If the elementals fight again like the war five centuries ago, the world will be thrown in chaos. It has already started. Possibly this dream had something to do with the war. He must get to Totalrus.

Chapter 2: TO BE CONTINUED...

560 posts

Sorry for quad posting but i really would like some feedback.

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