Micro stories. Like a short story, but even shorter. I am sure this had been done by someone before, but oh well. I like the idea.
I know there are a good deal of creative people on these forums, and I want to see what you can do! The nice thing about these micro stories is that they do not take all that long to write. The fun part is trying to make a coherent story in such a short length.
Aside from being easy and fun/challenging, this is an opportunity to improve on your writing skills. Just being able to complete one is one step, the other is constructive feed back from your peers. I used to do this years ago with some friends of mine. Jolly good fun.
I'll start off with one I just wrote in a post after this. And then it is all up to you guys!
Reborn ---------------- A flick. A flash. The soft sigh of an inhale.
He held in the drag of his cigarette, savoring the musty taste and mild burn in his lungs. Leaning against the brick storefront, his mind was racing. He had little left to do but smoke his final cigarette before going home. Once home he planned on kissing Natasha and Sigfried before tucking hem into bed one final time, then taking himself off the market of life once and for all. He spent the last month of his life always one step behind, always one second too late, always grasping at the ethereal remains of the one he desired. There was no point in keeping on like this. Before he knew it, the filter of his cigarette was burning his fingertips; waking him from his dark thoughts and thrusting him into the real world once again. As he casually dropped the remains and crushed it under the heel of his boot, he noticed an elderly man walk by. Easily in his late sixties, the man slowly made his way towards his idling motor-vehicle.
"Excuse me, sir? May I have a moment of your time?"
The older man paused, and slowly turned around. "Do I know you? What do you want?"
"This may be an odd question...but by any chance are you a Walker?"
Carefully and uncertain, the man replied, "Why yes, yes I am. But who--"
"Do you have a son by any chance? By the name of Vilheim?"
Walkers eyes took on a softer look, and the tone of his voice a more friendly tone as he said "I do, I do. I take it you know him?"
"We served together in the same unit. I have not seen him in years. You know where he is? I was in the area and tried to get in touch with him, but so far I've had no luck."
"Oh, it is so good to hear that my Vilheim has friends! He has not seen anyone he knows in months," Walker joyously outed, the words springing out of his mouth which now formed a large smile.
"Any chance you could tell me where he is? I would love to stop by and surprise him. We have a lot of catching up to do."
Overjoyed with eyes shining, Walker said "Oh, of course! He just moved to Bruker Lane, last house on the left. The small white one. Do you know where that is?"
"Yes, I do. Thank you very much. You help means so much to me. I can hardly wait to see him after all this time."
"It is no problem. It lightens the heart and spirit of an old man to hear that Vilheim will finally see an old friend. He has been rather withdrawn from the world as of late...What was your name?" inquired the man.
"Rolf. Rolf Bar."
"Bless you, Rolf Barr. I must be off, but I do hope you and Vilheim have a good time," Walker responded before getting into his motor-vehicle and driving off.
Watching the man take his leave, 'Rolf' had a mixture of emotions. Seeing Vilheims father in such good spirits after learning his son had a friend left a certain pang in his heart. Yet that passed quickly. 'Rolf' had much work to do. Lighting up another cigarette, he walked towards his motel room with a spring in his step.
Upon entering his shabby room, 'Rolf' locked the doors and drew the curtains and turned on the single meager light. His eyes darted to where he last saw Natasha and Sigfried, and smiled as he saw them right where they were when he left. "Ahh, Natasha. Sigfried. We are not done yet after all," he cooed as he walked over to the table.
He quickly removed Natasha from her sheath and took pride in her shine as he checked her keen, deadly edge. Replacing her in the sheath and attaching her to his thigh, he picked up Sigfried, lovingly checking the chambers and trigger of his powerful revolver. Satisfied, he tenderly stowed Sigfried away in the holster on his side.
"I've found him, children. After nearly a month of searching and information gathering, I've found him. Tonight that contract on his head shall be ours. Damascus, killer for hire, and his beloved children Natasha and Sigfried are still on the market," he laughed before striding out the door into the embrace of night.
You don't give a ****. Least of all me. I hate the world; and **** it, I say. **** it. I know you don't care, you told me your self. I thought- COULDN'T YOU JUST PRETEND TO CARE YOU *******!? I tried so, so hard to win your respect and love but all I got-... Who honestly cares? By the time you read this i'll be gone. My entrails splattered all over the tiles, gore dripping down the walls.
Because of you.
They say words can never hurt you but I know the people who think and say things like that. People like you.
You say such things to reconcile yourself with the fact that the words you speak, those cruel, cruel words are not destroying those that care so blindly: "I hate you". "You are not my son". "Get out".....
Merry Christmas *****.
That note. I honestly don't care whether whether it's read or not. Standing up here, on the edge of death. To be, or not to be. I don't believe in heaven anymore but I know why some people would. It's their way of consoling themselves into blissful, stupid ignorance before the bitter end. The wind rushes through my hair, the rain pelts my face. Such bleak weather. I'm glad to leave this.
But why have I not done it yet?
It's so easy. All I have to do is take one step and drop. Is it the survival instinct? but if my body has the need for survival then why do I do this? Screw that. i'm going to do it. I feel like a small child alone pushed to the front of the line of a terrifying roller-coaster. Do I run back to safety? Or do I prove to my parents or friends that i'm brave enough?
I take a step forwards. I look up at the sky. And I- wait. What?! WHY AM I DOING THIS?! I don't know?! If life is so meaningless then why can I not confront my problems without quaking with fear? I have no love nor respect from my family and vice versa, so would they really care about what they would interpret as a cry for attention?
For the moment I simply have to continue living. Believing in such despair shall bring nothing. But the knowledge that, if I could change one persons life for the better by spreading common sense,logic and wisdom could change my perception of this flawed,imperfect world for a long time.
I realize now that all people have potential, and that it's the job of clever people to influence and shape it. I was once depressed at the pointlessness of humanity, but then I realized: persevere in life. Endure, who knows? it might be fun.