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Life of Creatures - The Feared Perrock
Chapter 1 - Unpleasant

I had been birthed in darkness. I did not know what this strange world was. Looking for answers, I wandered around a lush forest hoping to find any other beings. I had then seen a group of many different, odd looking things.

There were small, light pink colored creatures, snorting and rolling in mud. Though there was also another one I had seen. It was fairly large and buff. It was black and white with spots on it. My eyes widened, and I began to approach them. The creatures had noticed me, and began to wander away. I followed in confusion, hoping the creatures wouldn't start running away. As I kept following them, they began to run off into the darkness. I stood and paced towards a small pond.

My reflection could be slightly seen. Tan colored, ferocious, red colored, glowing eyes, sharp claws, large pointed teeth and incisors, two long legs, and hairy arms. I thought, "It must be my appearance." I looked up and was amazed. It was another, new creature. I tiptoed silently towards it. I could then see what it was. The creature stood upright, carrying a bag of different tools. It was standing on a cliff, gathering black colored rocks. I ran and attempted to climb up the steep slope. The creature had then noticed me. It rushed to pick up its bag and run off. I had chased it on and on, until the strange creature had taken out a large stick with string attached to it. I slowed down, thinking it was about strike. The creature took a stick with a sharp rock sticking on the front and pulled it on the string. The sharp rock had quickly plunged deep into my chest. It happened so fast I had fallen. A red liquid had slowly dripped out of my body. The pain grew faint, and I had fallen asleep.

I'll be writing short chapters about this story from time to time... Anyways constructive criticism is always welcome.

  • 10 Replies
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Life of Creatures - The Feared Perrock
Chapter 2 - Beautiful Sight

I was awoken again in the darkness. The creature I remembered from before was quite skilled, and shot a sharp rock right into my chest. I did not want for this to happen again. Today I will search the far lands for more of my kind. I stood up, wandering towards the horizon. Past the forest, I had found a large, steep sloped mountain. I decided not to search there, as I would keep moving towards the horizon.

After a grueling travel through the night, I heard a loud howling noise. I tried to listen carefully. A large shadow appeared next to a small cave. I sprinted toward it, hoping to find any of my kind.

I moved closer. I became shocked, it looked just like me! I shouted, "Hello!" I was excited, I had found another one of my kind. It greeted me, and we sat under the overhang. Later, he soon told me, "There is a great sight I have seen. Though not many like us survive long enough to even know about it." I became curious and asked for more information, and he began telling me more. "A bright light shines across this land, and all the darkness becomes no more." When he had said that, I could not visualize it. Though, a bright light? I desperately wanted to see that, for I had only known darkness. We waited for ages, until we had finally seen it.

It was true, all true. A light shined all over the land, all the darkness was gone. I smiled and looked at him. I stood up and looked upon the sea. It was mighty large. He then said, "My name is Corro, by the way." I stared at the forest, and lied down.

3,523 posts

Wow. First chapter got me hooked. That's a good quality for any story right?

3,415 posts

me too, very interesting...

1,467 posts

Life of Creatures - The Feared Perrock
Chapter 3 - Gathering

Corro didn't seem at all such a bad creature, so far. When I saw that sunshine, I knew I wanted all of my species to see it. Not just us two, all of us. We could survive altogether, and build civilizations. And even maybe make peace with the aggressive race that had attacked me before. That's my goal. My dream. Though it would take many ages and hard work to achieve it. "Corro, let's gather around all of our kind. Bring anyone you can find," I was hoping he was to agree. "For what purpose?" He stood up. "I have a very great goal I want to achieve," I replied. And so we had split up in different directions. He went towards the Eastern Tundras and I had gone towards the Western Deserts.

The travel was not so bad during the first few hours, though I did start to become hungry. Soon it became worse, the sun's rays of light beat down on me and I became dehydrated. I desperately was in need of water and shade, or I would surely perish out here. I walked on, trying to stay strong. I squinted far out over a small hill. It seemed to be a dark shaded creature. I howled and ran towards it.

At last, I had found one. Another one of my kind. "Greetings, I would like you to follow me," I said. It had a puzzled look on its face. Though, it soon held my hand and followed me. After a seeming long time in the deserts, I had decided to go back, since the sun had been rising.

Back at the overhang, I met Corro and one other of our species. "This is Ridge. I met him not long ago in the tundra. Though he was the only one I could find." I stepped aside and introduced the one I had found, "I don't have a name for him, but I guess he'll decide." Names. A name. Come to think of it, I haven't given myself a name yet. "My name shall be Xero, from this day on." I smiled, and we all sat down, talking.

Thanks guys for the (positive?) comments.

3,523 posts

I want to find out who this Perrock guy is.

Prediction Time! I bet you're gonna kill off Corro.

1,467 posts

life of Creatures - The Feared Perrock
Chapter 4 - Plans and Collecting

We have all decided Corro and I will plan out how the small building should be, while Ridge and Rex (Rex is our newly named ally) gather the materials and resources. So Corro and I had started drawing in the dirt with a stick, while Ridge and Rex had gone out in the forest gathering lumber.

"How should we gather this wood?" Rex asked. Ridge looked at him, and started staring at the tree. "I'll start," as soon Ridge started clawing away at the tree. Rex was unsure of this technique, though he started clawing at the tree as well.

Corro drew a small wooden building, and on the inside, there contained four beds. "Pretty basic, I should say." Corro said. Four beds, but nothing else? It was not very exciting, though it was a start. I frowned and looked at him. "Don't worry, we can extend this building soon," Corro grinned.

Ridge and Rex had returned at sunrise. They both carried four wooden logs they collected during their time in the forest. "Time to refine this wood, it'll take a while," Corro began, and it seemed like ages just wandering around the overhang watching him.

Corro was finally finished. He ended up 32 planks of wood, almost plenty for us to work with. Now it was time to start building our little start to our civilization.

I'm glad you're still liking it, the real action doesn't really start in the first few chapters though.

3,523 posts

Your first bit of action in chapter 1 was pretty good so I'd like to see what else you have in store in that department.

3,523 posts

Are there gonna be more? I'm waiting here! Please don't tell me that you have given up on this.

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