well, there's many writing threads around here and some art ones too, but I wanted to know how many people on armorgames are involed in the music bit... so put ya hand up if you're a music guy?(or girl)
I guess I'm a music person. I love music, and most of all, I love guitars. I'm learning how to play right now (though in class we've stopped 'learning,' and it's all down to us individually), and I rather like playing. I have dedication issues to anything other than computers, so I've remedied this by doing the two things I love most at the same time: Computers and guitar!
Once I get an electric guitar, I'll probably start creating my own music. It probably won't be very good, but I'll try and put it on here or something.
As a side note, I played the saxophone for two years, and I would still be playing it had school not interfered. That's an instrument I like playing (and was pretty good at).
Very true in some cases, but in others not always. I met this one guy who was like 6'3" and mane weighed 320, big football rough guy, but then I found out he was a singer & he was a tenor 1 and it was really cool. and most people won't call the cops after asking them a question >_>
And yes it can be very noticable if you look at the subtle hints.
I also noticed the comma.... Just disregarded it though because it seemed... out of place
I consider myself a music person due to the fact that I listen to and enjoy listening to so much music. I do also play viorin and have been for a few years now, so I have a fairly good understanding of the workings of music, but I enjoy listening to the creations of others above all because they weave so much together - the technical aspects of it, with the beats and the notes and the intervals between everything and the key signatures, but also the timbres and how all of that weaves together into one cohesive thing. It's enthralling.
*Raises hand* I sequence my music for the greater part of it. I also play Bass and Guitar. I have some of my work on my web page [url=http://franknice.newgrounds.com] Thanks.