ForumsArt, Music, and WritingSome of my work.

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Because I'm to lazy to think of something original, I thought I would do something like everyone else.

This is a script I made for English. I got 19/20 on it for originality.




President Kevin Rudd (The Fake one)

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (The real one)

Japanese buisnessmen

Mum (Name- Casey)

Brother (Name- Jamie)

Sister (Name- Sarah)


A bedroom- A Matress, with a mill carton next to it with a lamp on it. There will be audio of the news in the background.

Beach- a back drop with sand, beach, Mountain range and a forest to the side. On the stage there will be a yellow sheet, and a blue sheet next to it (Representing the sand and the beach). There will be audio of waves hitting the beach.

Cave- We will light candles around the stage and hang brown sheets up on the walls. The lights will be turned off, Or maybe a dim light to lighten the stage. An eerie sought of audio, If any.

City- A crazy looking, city backdrop.(Its a dream remember)

Buisness room - 2 backgrounds for this (Before and after) For the after Background the lights wil go dim everynow and again.

Sky- A sky backdrop. The sound of windblowing will be blowing in the background.

Cliff face- Ill put pebbles on the stage. A mountain backdrop.

Scene One. (Bedroom scene)

Jarred walks into his bedroom, turns off his light and hops into bed. He hears the Tv on in the loungeroom. After trying to hear whats on he dozes of. He begins to snore.

Scene Two. (Beach scene)

Jarred Is laying on the shore of a beach. Mitchell is standing above Jarred, with a surfboard in hand.

Mitchell: Get Up you lazy pig!

Jarred: *Coughs* Huh? Whaa?

Mitchell: You heard me. Get up.
Your in my dream, so you have to listen to me.

*Jarred Gets up, Mitchell throws the board to the side of the stage were someon will pick it up Without being seen, Giving the affect it dissapeared.*

Jarred: Huh? What? Did that board dissapear..? And also This Is my dream. I remember falling asleep.... So dont boss me around!

Mitchell: *Laughs* Just be quite, and think this over.

* A minute or two later*

Jarred:Ok, ok. So so far, Were in each others dream which means, if every dumb movie ive watched so far is right, this must be one of them "Your Gonna get a lecture on things that you dont care about, but will care about in the end" Stories.

Mitchell: That sounds about right.

Jarred: So lets get this over with, I need to wake up early, I didn't do my english homework, And I need to do it when i wake up.

Mitchell:Pfft, I allready did mind.

Jarred: Thats dumb, if you were cool, youd do it like me. Which is to wait to the last minute. Now, Lets get out of here then, I think Theres some bikes over there.

*They walk accross the stage to some bikes, leaning on the wall*

Mitchell: Well, I suppose we'll be off then!

Jarred: Yes, Let go!

*They look at each other with big grins, and ride to the side of the stage. Curtains close.*

Scene 2. (Cave theme)

*Mitchell and Jarred walk accross the stage with there biks

Mitchell: Jarrreeeeeed We've been walking for aaaaaages. Can we take a break now.

Jarred: Why do you have to be so lazy for! We just got in this cave!

Mitchell: We'll can we atleast ditch the bikes?

Jarred: We're in a dream. Theyre like, As light as air.

Mitchell: So, yes?

Jarred: Fiiiine.

* A few bats fly past (Someone throws black rubbers accross the stage to the other side *

Mitchell: Holy Crap!!!

Jarred: What the hell was that!?

Mitchell: I dont really intend on finding out! Lets get out of here.

*Jarred looks back*

Jarred: Uh yes, but it sought of seems the entrance to the cave has dissapeared...

Mitchell: This Is scary!

Jarred: Its probably your fault because your always Having nightmares!

Mitchell: Dont blame me! Its your dream to you know!

Jarred: Yeah, but My dreams are full of rainbows and unicorns and crap. Yours a sick and sadistic!

Mitchell: Hey, wait a second, Theres a small hole through the wall over there!

(Tunnel is made up of a table with a few sheets over it, leading to the side of the stage)

Jarred: We'll hopefully it leads out of this place. So lets go!

*Mitchell and jarred crawl under the tables.*

*Curtain closes*

Scence 3. The city scence.

*The table is still to the side of the stage, and Mitchell and Jarred crawl out*

Jarred and Mitchell: Oh...My...God.

Mitchell: Holy crap where on the top of a sky scraper!

Jarred: Oh my god, Really?!

Mitchell: No need to be smart!

Jarred: Uhh Mitchell.. I havent said this before...But Im really afraid of heights.

Mitchell: *Snickers* Sucks to be you then ai.

Jarred: Just be quite, and lets find a way of this thing!

Mitchell: Hey Remember that time when you came over my house, And we watched that show...

Jarred: Yeah! The one with the flying cats and the guys who can shoot lazers out of their mouths? I loved that show!

Mitchell: Well.. This is a dream and all..Recon we could try to shoot a lazer through this roof?

Jarred: We could try... But If it doesnt work we'll look like Idiots.

Mitchell: Tough. On 3..

Jarred And Mitchell: 1.....2.....3.


*Blue and yellow lights flash, and They secretly Throw blue and white confetti*

*Curtains close*

Act 4. Scene Officeroom.

*Japanese buisness man (Theyre wearing suits) stand in a cirlce Speaking 'japanese' And someone walks in from the side of the stage, the Buisness men quiten down, and spread out in a line, and wait for the mystery man to speak*

???: Hello Gentlemen, It's nice to have you all here today!

Japanese buisnessmen 1: Hello, President Rudd.

P. Rudd: Now, Lets get strait to Buisness. Prime Minister Kevin Has been... Taken care of all. Now Australia will be mine!!

Japanese Buisnessmen 2: But P. Rudd... What good will being president of Australia do?'

P. Rudd: What good....What good... WHAT GOOD!?!! Are you daft!? Australia has the highest percentage of people who acctually buy our Merchandise!
What idiot, In lets say.. Thailand, Would want A Goodbye Puppy!? These Australians... Theyre Rich, Theyre Dumb, And Theyre the only people Who will buy our crap!

Japanese Buisnessmen 3: Yes, I know that sir, But We just think its wrong your taking advantage of such nice people.

*People being the stage start banging pots and pans*

*Curtains close*

Scene 6. Act one. Office room Num. 2

*Mitchell and Jarred appear in between the buisnessmen and P. Rudd. They look at each other*

Jarred: Holy Crap It worked mitchell! We Blew a hole through the roof!

Mitchell: I know!! That was amazing!

Jarred: Wait A second, Who are these guys...?

P. Rudd: Get them.

Jarred and Mitchell: Whaa..?

*The Japanese business men circle Jarred and Mitchell*

*The Curtains close*

Scence 6. Act 2.

*Mitchell and Jarred Are tied Up*

P.Rudd: Lets get out off here. Theyre Probaly spies of the F.A.H.P

Japanese Buisness men 1: F.A.H.P?

P. Rudd: Federal Assassins Helping the Primeminister.

Japanese Buisness men 3: We best be leaving. We need to get to this mountain and put up the satalite, to advertise goodbye puppie.

P.Rudd: Yes, Thatd be best. Goodbye, You annoying little Snots!

*He spits out Jarred and mitchell*

*The Japanese buisness men walk out to the side of the Stage, Following P.Rudd.*

Jarred: So Uuuhhh Mitchell.. Now what?

Mitchell: Lets get out of here.

* Jarred and Mitchell Untie themselves with ease*

Jarred: Wow, Turns out Japanese Buisness men cant tie knots for crap!

Mitchell: Lets Diss this joint, Yo!

Jarred: Fo sure! But uhh, What do we do now?

Mitchell: Well I believe We go to the mountain, To stop them Guys from ruining lives!

Jarred: Oh, well then, Lets go!

Mitchell: Wait A second, Why do we care what these guys do with a bunch of crappy toys?

Jarred: Because Mitchell, Your forgetting the Moral. M-o-r-a-l.

Mitchell: Oh, right. **** morals, Ruin my dreams, I could be meeting up with Mohad! You have no idea what sought of crazy spinned up stuff he does!

Jarred: Mitchell, You seem to be a little prone to having dreams with you best friends.

Mitchell: Its what I get for staying Up every night till 4 watching Anime.

Jarred: Ok, Well lets find a way to the mountai--

*Someone walks in the room and Cuts Jarred off*

????: Hello Boys, I see you have finnaly come to my aid.

Jarred: Who are you?

Prime minister Rudd: It is I, Prime Minister Rudd. The Real Kevin Rudd!

* Jarred and Mitchell Gaze In shock, Then quickly regain the senses*

Jarred: Uhh Yeah, We dont really care, Recon you could tell us where the mountain is?

MItchell: Yeah, this Is becoming annoying.

PM Rudd: Ok, But you boys have to Promise me something.

Jarred And Mitchell: What?

PM Rudd: You WILL... be my slaves.

* Jarred and Mitchell Look at each other and whisper*

Jarred: Uhh Yeah, sure, We'll Be your slaves.

PM Rudd: Ok. Lets get some bikes. We'll fly there.

*Jarred Looks at Mitchell*

Jarred: Pfft, He fell for it.

Scene 7. Sky backdrop.

*Jarred And Mitchell are sitting on their bikes*

Jarred: How much Further?

PM Rudd: Silence! Only spoken when spoken to!.... We have about 615 days.

Mitchell: What the hell!?

Jarred: Dont worry. I think the time in "Dream world" Is different.

Mitchell: Pfft, we'll see.

*Curtains close*

Scene 8. Mountain scene.

* President kevin rudd is on one side of the stage, And Jarred Mitchell and Prime minsiter Kevin Rudd are on the other. P Rudd Turns around*

P Rudd: Its you! And... And You! Prime minister Rudd!

PM Rudd: Yes It is I. Now, Lets finish this!

*PM Rudd And P Rudd Pull out a sword, Concealed under there Pants. They Begin to fight*

*After a few minutes fighting on the cliff face*

Mitchell: Jarred! I just realised! I have a sword too!

* Mitchell Pulls out a sword, and Runs towards P Rudd*

Jarred: No Mitchell!! Dont!!

*P Rudd Turns around as Mitchell Is about to strike, And Stabs him ( Fake swords), Then, in the heat of the moment, Mitchell stabs back, While on his knees, and Then they both drop*

*PM Rudd Is dancing in the background*

Jarred: No Mitchell!!!!!

Mitchell: Jarred...Come closer...

* Jarred Comes closer*

Mitchell: So Jarred... (Painful grunt)... Whats the moral of this story.. So i can wake up..

Jarred: (Whimpers) The moral Of the story is... Prime minister Kevin rudd, Is the biggest jerk Ever... And that Japanese men Cant Tie knots.

Mitchell: Ok, Thankyou... See you tommorow at school.

*Curtains close*

Scene 8. Bedroom.

Jarred: Holy Crap! That was the most awesome dream ever!

* Jarred Put on his bag, and head out the side of the stage*

*Curtains close*

Scene 9. School.

* Jarred and Mitchell Walk up to each other, From opposite sides of the stage*

Jarred: Hiya Mitchell, Hows doing?

Mitchell: Im Awesome! I had a heaps mad dream last night!

Jarred: Oh Really? Me too!

Mitchell: You Were in it!

Jarred: Same! What was yours about?

Mitchell: Me and You Had to save the world from a bunch of psycho japanese guys, and a fake Kevin rudd. How about you?

Jarred: My dream was about me driving this fyling bus, and you were my only passenger.

The End.

  • 11 Replies
1,356 posts

That wasnt the final draft, due to that being stored away somewhere I can't find.

Heres a draft Im making for a story, I know it needs lots of Work done to it, and it sounds a little weird/messed up but the story I have in mind for it is pure.

365 Melliana ago, in the deep crevaces of space, a great war had erupted between people and monsters alike due to the deep hatred betweem the two sister goddesess, Monolith and Areth lead there planets into war. They Clashed heads many a time, causing more and more damage each time to themself, their planets, and the the living things residing on it.

A reason of this being is that the two sisters where once human; Both Kind and Sweet, and where very vivid travellers. They heard a poem of a mystic elixer that would grant eternal power, in the tower of immortals, on the floating land of *********. The Elixer was apparently Protected by a gaurdian. In my old age, I do not remember the poem word for word, but im hope one day to hear it again. Both eager to find the Elixer they set out. After weeks, no months, of searching they came accross what they thought to be the tower. The second they had ventured inside there was an obvious change in the way they acted. The further they went, the worst it had gotten. Each room the excavated, a growing hatred had begun to erupt, forcing itself onto each sister. They had eventually reached a door, as tall as the roof itself, and by this time there hatred for each other had over taken them completely. They opened the door, and right there, ahead of them was the elixer. The second they had saw it, their greed and selfishness took a hold, and they made a dash for it. But then a voice boomed over all, leaving no room for any sound or thought, and a bahemoth of a man walked in behind them. He had said he was the gaurdian of the tower, protecting the secrets of what lay withing, if they were to touch the elixer he would destory them. After they had ignored his warning, the second sister, Areth picked up the elixer, and went to drink it, but before doing so, Monolith pushed Her sister to the ground. The Gaurdian realised just how selfish they were, and knew he had to act. While the sisters were squabbling on the ground, the elixer still in its vial, had rolled right to the feet Of the Gaurdian. He picked it up, and in an act of despiration, threw it to the ground. The elixer caused an explosion, that had turned a once mighty tower into mere rubble. The Gaurdian was no where to be found, and the sisters had been seperated by the explosion and were now miles apart. When Monolith awoke, she noticed something different about herself. She had lost all memory, except for her great hatred towards her sister. She went to find the ship her and her Sister took. As she Entered the ship, she had seen her reflection in the side. She was...A monster. Her skin was now a stately silver, her hair had grown to such a length it passed her knees and was the colour of ice itself. Her sister, Areth was found in space by humans. Her hair colour and skin tone changed aswell, She now had a swampy, murky coloured hair, and her skin had a tint of green to it. She had said to the humans her sister was going to use The Elixer to Grow mighty and to destroy the all planets for her own personal gain. This is just one tale of how the mighty war between planets became, but it doesnt matter which tale you hear, the devistation is evedience enough. There are tales of Monolith being able to form monsters, from pure hatred alone, and this is where she gets her minions to do her bidding from. The war is taking place in space, between the area of where the planets are.

The humans, the planet where Areth now resides, has biogenically morphed trees, plants, animals and even other humans, to the point that finding an 'Original human' is near impossible, because theyre in hiding. In Saying that, 80% of the humans that are alive have been Physicaly, and mentally, changed in some form or way, and 15% of them are the scientist creating these beast. And thats not even the worst of it. There are robots the size of Buildings, and weopenry that could bring all life on the planet to a halt.

The Irecolthis residing on the planet Rulano, Monoliths currant home, are monsters, that origianlly werent there. There was a time when there was peace and all soughts of life grew on planet Rulano and it had prospered in all its glory, but then a powerful and wicked being came, and killed all life there. Monolith and her sister had begun the war while monolith was living on her space pod, but not long after the war had started, destroyed the space pod in anger, so she went to find a planet to call her own. She eventually found Rulano, and began Creating veroucious monsters, that from the second they were formed, had a taste for blood and gore. How they were formed? Only few know, and even fewer speak of it. I would tell you, but I, and many others I assure, do not want a repeat of what is happening anytime soon.

1,356 posts

Here a picture Im working on, to show off my paint skills to my mate who thinks his the 'roest that evoar lived'

1,356 posts

I think I'm done with the drawing itself, i'm just pondering on the thought of sending in colored version, which I'm doing now. I'm having some trouble with the color/pupils of the eyes. This is what I have so far. Also Trying to fix up the arms. Never where good at arms

38 posts

well some of the very nice talent to watch here. I am really impressed by the ways you all are drawing and writing. Thumbs up!!

1,356 posts

I've always wanted to be able to draw mountains affectively, but never could, So I suppose Ill begin to get some practice in it. The following is just me trying to get a feel.

1,356 posts

My entry into the 'Awesome Art Contest'. I recommend you join.

Great artist use th excuse "I got lazy". So, So will I.

1,356 posts

I rarely ever write poems, but here is mine for the Ten day poetry contest (I think thats is > &lt

Don't bother critiquing unless you really need to, because I don't intend on doing this sought of thing again :L

The wyrme creeps up beside,
I cover my mouth, try to hide,
Slow my breathing,
I know what its seeking,
It can smell the stench,
My stench.
My fear.

Drawing near, I close my eyes.
Sweat beads slide down the sides
Of my nose,
I can Here the tongue whipping back and forth,
and it creeps ever closer.

It knows Im here.
Ive revealed my fear.
Eyes wide open,
It strikes,
I jump back,
With my mighty blade 'WHACK!'
Thump on the floor,
It is no more.

It's over, Ive survived the beast,
But this is only the least,
Much more to come,
This barren wasteland, Has only begun.

3,086 posts

I don't intend on doing this sort of thing again

Whever not? You have talent for sure, but all you need is practice; and practice makes halfway decent!
1,356 posts

I am pretty god**** awesome aren't?

Aha, Just kidding, Thank you, though.

1,356 posts

Got lazy with the background, And Ive never drawn a pokemon on paint before, so dont be hating. > >

1,356 posts

Dont think this is dead!

Working on a DBZ montage lololol.

Because Im only watching dbz now because the *******s took away cheeze tv, leaving me deprived of a childhood.

Showing 1-11 of 11