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Pally I think would be better. Maybe a PalFree?
I'm guessing I should get some magic items? I was thinking about a ring of chameleon, but that seemed like it might not be worth it. of those we already have and the other one we don't even remotely need. Please either stick with your current guy or be a sorcerer.
I thought you said we have no pally well how bout a cleric or wizard
Whose says we don't need those, and you don't already have him.
k wizard it is
Bull****, we already have a druid and you know a scout is just a fancy ranger.
We don't, DBS is just being a *****. He hates paladins.
what level
whatever wizard is fine. specilization?
Besides the ring of Chameleon, what weapons should I get?
-------------------Basic Information----------------------Name: Zaknraen Ken'rathel.Player: Hypermnestra.Age: 20.Gender: Male.Race: Half-Drow.Class: Ranger 5/Dark Hunter 2/LA +1.Level Equivalency: 8Alignment: Chaotic Good.Deity: Selune.Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Common, Drow Sign Language, Draconic.------Attributes----------Str: 16(+3)Dex: 24(+7)Con: 13(+1)Int: 15(+2)Wis: 19(+4)Cha: 12(+1)Base Attack Bonus: +7Fort Save: +5Ref Save: +14Will Save: +5Hit Points: 45/45.Darkvision: 90 ft.AC: 21.------------------Equipment-------------------------------Armor/Clothing: Masterwork Padded Armor, Gloves of Dexterity +4, Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Sustenance.Weapon: Longbow. Unequipped: None.Dis here is my sheet. Miscellaneous: Chime of Opening, 200 ft. rope, 1 month trail rations, bullseye lantern, 10 foot pole, flint/tinder, bedroll, foldable 10 ft pole.GP: 2.5kDamage: 1d8+7, 1d6+7.Attack: +14.-------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot.Class Feats: Endurance, Favored Enemy, Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style(Rapid Shot, Manyshot), Animal Companion(Hawk), Proficiency(Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armor), Stonecutting, Enhanced Darkvision.Skills: Climb(8+5), Craft(Trapmaking, 8+2) Hide(8+5), Knowledge(Dungeoneering, 8+2), Knowledge(Nature, 8+2) Move Silently(10+5), Search(8+2), Spot(8+4), Survival(10+4, and +2 when underground, +2 to find tracks).Spells: Detect Snares/Traps.
You has cleric, and Scout is better ranger.
Oh for the love of God DBS, just play a tank.
Well instead of druid, I could do wujin.
Just saying, I also suggest a ring of lockpicking if you are going rogue, and maybe the spoon tool kit.
What's a spoon tool kit?
I already have a tank, but again been catching a bit of flack on him since the start.
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