If I'm not mistaken, the last thing I can take care of is Saving Throws. How do I solve for those?
Well each class has a base save for each of them that changes by level, then you just add the appropriate modifiers to it such as attributes and anything else you might get from items feats etc etc.
Will never top my lvl 30 Dragonborn Wood Elf Archer-Assassin in Skyrim > .
Jumpin' Jesus, first Denchot and then Shojen. Maybe winning twice on the same scratch-off paid off after all!
We don't, DBS is just being a *****. He hates paladins.
*Sniffle* B-but I was already m-making one,,,,,,,
14, 16, 14, 17, 10, 8.
*Considers vetoing*
How much would I have to pay for a rapier of frost?
2 thousand gold pieces., good sir. Would you like a sack with that?
Leather Armor of Silent Moves
I think it's some pretty sexy armor.
Permanently greased Leather, kinky. All new additions/Hyper, email me your new character sheets. My current email is Babyfresser1@gmail.com amd you can use the same for any private questions/requests. Also include any prefernce on how I introduce your characters (sans Hyper). Oh and what race are you Denchot?
Hey DBS did I mention this song when we were talking about the Sick Puppies yesterday? It's a zombies song. !
Well isn't this a coincidence, I'm playing zombie mode. Also I this was the song I clicked on when I was going to check out more of there stuff but got sidetracked.