Fyre utterly pwns the Wraith attacking Numerous (DBS) with Searing Light. Zak hits with 3for 18 damage. Numerous,,,ahh,,,, hits Zak's Wraith for 10. Fyre tries turning; Once again there is a rattling behind you and yiu get clobbered oncemore over the head (12 damage) Fyre gets stabbed with a sword (4) Fyre gets hit with an Axe(5) " " Axe (3) " " Fist (1) " " Dagger (2) " " Spear (5)
,,,,,,making for 45 damage so far. How the heck do you have 94 HP?
Dibs, you do realize that Searing Light has a >50% chance of killing the Wraith in one hit and a 70% chance of hitting, correct?
Yeah I know, but the meat puppets are there to save you spells or for when you run out of spells.
Fyre utterly pwns the Wraith attacking Numerous (DBS) with Searing Light. Zak hits with 3for 18 damage. Numerous,,,ahh,,,, hits Zak's Wraith for 10. Fyre tries turning; Once again there is a rattling behind you and yiu get clobbered oncemore over the head (12 damage) Fyre gets stabbed with a sword (4) Fyre gets hit with an Axe(5) " " Axe (3) " " Fist (1) " " Dagger (2) " " Spear (5)
,,,,,,making for 45 damage so far. How the heck do you have 94 HP?
Alright then, well don't forget Noobs I get two attacks, and since I don't seem to be doing much here, how bout I try my hands at punching a few skeletons lights out.
Numerous punches a skeleton for 4 And 2. Zak shoots at the skeletons; 3 do absolutely nothing and 1 hits for 7. Giant Skeleton advances and attacks Numerous, missing. The skeeltons move into the center of you guys, separating Numerous. S1 attacks Numerous, missing S2 " " S3, 4 and 5 attack Zak 2 missing and 1 hitting for 5. S6 fumbles.