It's The Revenge of the Sith with Engrish subtitles. A guy bought it in China, where it had been translated from English to Chinese then subtitled back. It's really funny, I promise.
Some of my personal favorites... Obi Wan became the ratio. The Jedi Counsel became the Presbyterian Church. Elephants. "DO NOT WANT" "They're in my behind!"
Anakin Skywalker = Just hopeless situation warrior..... R2, do you is ****ing? Do you f**k on I? The front is a lemon avenue flying straightly. I was just made by the Presbyterian Church. Obi Wan, may the Force be with you = Ratio tile, the wish power are together with you..... On the 10th level, thousands of battledroids = Only have a little bit the immodesty we all lose..... Only guaranteed my cuckoldry the safety. Darth Vader = Reaching the west of reaches..... Goodbye, Chewbacca = See again drag along the see again..... I change the password afresh. You are already at full c**k now.