No, that is your character sheet. The combat sheet is a little different. Only your name, saves, AC, hitpoints, and bonuses(not the attributes themselves, the bonuses) are on the combat sheet.
i will tumble in to do a nice quite landing.
You fail. Horribly. There is a reason for the ladder; you tumble in and fall a good 10 or 20 feet to the bottom(3 points of damage). Really smart move, there.
not like that of course you dont just jumd down a hole like that close to the bottom so i don't alert any one i'm there
Name: Soul Eater Evans Player: Dblackstar Age:17 Sex:M Yes Please Looks:white hair pointed teath runners build small horns on head 5'10" Race:Tiefling Class:Rouge Level:1 Level Equivalency: Attributes: Str 14 Dex 20 Con 14 Int 17 Wis 12 CHa 13 Saves:Fortitude(2),Reflex(7),Will(1) Hit points: 8 Attack5(5) Damage1d6+2, Rapier, Hvy Crossbow 1d10, daggers 1d6) Armor Class(18) FeatsWeapon Finnese) SkillsBluff, Disable Device, escape artist, gather info, hide, move silently, openlock, Sense motive, sleight of hand, spot, and tumble ) Equipment:300 gp and Adventurer's Kit(with everything you need like bedrolls and rations and so on) (Studded leather) bandaliers seven daggers in each