well the bunny is the armatar I like most (even my armatar choice range is still a bit restricted), but what if you don't like green? I'm not a great fan of green honestly. it always reminds me of some sort of radioactive acid. C'mon, blue is better! water, sky! SOOO.... TA_DAAAA! I made it in GIMP, isn't it sweet? I'm already using it on getsatisfaction, and if in AG3 we'll be able to upload our own armatars, I'll go with this for sure!
I like that. Although the green one seems to have more substance, with the shading and all behind the rabbit. I like how in the lower left corner it was lighter than in the upper right corner. But it needs more shading, definitely.
I first saw it on GetSatisfaction when I was searching around the topics. Then I just decided to come to the AMW forum and you have this thread about it.
I say you did good. The blue background defiantly makes it look a tad better.
Lol zophia I have already done most shadings on mine! However thanks, yours is better. How did you Increased the risolution that way? :O and can I use it, if mine won't be that good?
Quite a lot of AG's armatars are sized at 200x200.
http:/image/armatar_143_60.60_c.jpg = The URL for the bunny armatar.
Switch the "60" to "200", and you should have..
http:/image/armatar_143_200.200_c.jpg = enlarged
Some armatars aren't 200x200, and only go up to 100x100. You can use programs to edit the armatar in the manner Zophia did. I have to say, blue looks refreshing. Though Zoph is right about the copyright issues.
Aww I didn't know about the 200x200 images... However, for the copyright issues, I'm not sure if the armatars are copyright of the site (more likely of the artist who did them) and if editing one is "reproduce, modify, [etc] or circulate to any third party (including, without limitation, on or via a third party website)", because I didn't give it to any other site apart from get satisfaction, but I'll trust you and I'll remove it from there.
I remembered that in beta next to your armatar there's its URL to "use it in another site", so why should be bad to edit one? Mmh I'm not sure I think I'll ask an admin.
I don't think it's a good idea for AG to start excepting armatars like this cause then there's no contests and people will be submitting new ones left and right.