Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
there are too many weak newcomers going around trying to show off their "superior skill" of being a grandmaster when their game is really nothing.
So very true. I was playing multiplayer about an hour ago and I found a room full of 'Grand-Masters' and neither of them knew how to do any of the double jumps. . they actually called me a 'hacker' and 'glitcher' while we were playing. I tried to help them by showing them my guide, but they just don't listen.
Also I dislike the Grand-Masters that run around looking for a room full of newcomers/people not skilled enough at the game, just for their win ratio. Also people that quit in the middle of matches just doesn't make sense to me at all.
It's just a flash game. I mean why quit when you lose? Just to keep your precious ratio up? I play for fun of the game. Not to have a great win/lose record. Mine is nice though. I guess. It is: 380-330. And I don't quit matches. I don't even play often though. I do miss my 8,000-6,000 record kind of. But o'well.
I reached Grand-Master rank a few hours ago. xD If anyone's curious you need 102,500 experience for the Grand-Master rank.
That is awesome. I remember when I used to be better at him, but since I stopped playing regularly he's probably gotten better than me at multiplayer.
When I played tonight though I am still great at the game. Better than most of the people on it.
Another reason why I stopped playing would have to be because I don't see many great players anymore. Back in September-December I used to like playing the game a lot. Ever since many have stopped playing though it's just eh. . mediocre. I only know a few good ones that still play. Lemme' see. . . GhostOfZero, Faithpath and GhostOfPain. I can't name anymore at the moment.
Some of the players that I liked playing would have to be RayOfLight, Whatsisface, CeroOscuras, TroppO, Darwin37, Ray though, he quit I think, he doesn't play much anymore. Face, I haven't seen or heard of him in a while so I presume he quit also. Cero, he has one of the best that I've played. Also great to chat with. I haven't heard of him for months. With Darwin, I don't see him much, and when I do it's only for a brief moment. He doesn't have time to play anymore. I think TroppO quit or is taking a break from the game.
I was playing multiplayer about an hour ago and I found a room full of 'Grand-Masters' and neither of them knew how to do any of the double jumps. . they actually called me a 'hacker' and 'glitcher' while we were playing. I tried to help them by showing them my guide, but they just don't listen.
This happens a lot to me too, but I showed the guide to some guys once and they liked it. But most of them just swear us and go away.
With Darwin, I don't see him much, and when I do it's only for a brief moment. He doesn't have time to play anymore.
I am not playing it anymore but when I played last week, I used to see him frequently and we played like 50 matches.
I wonder though, if GhostOfPain or Faithpath will be able to beat Zero's score before an Exit Path 2 is made. I think it's possible for them to do it since they are so very close to doing it already. Only a few seconds to cut off of their already superb times.
I have tried uniplayer for a while now. But I just can't get level 29 on the first try and I always lose time on that level.
Okay, so I just got on Exit Path to try uniplayer and I noticed that Faithpath beat Zero's time! I can't believe he got it. Great job FaithPath. I wonder if Zero will try to get back his number one spot now. . . . .
And now those ugly asd scores without the armatar are sinking down!
I've always wondered why him and Zero both have two scores on the leader-board. Must be some kind of submitting glitch that accidentally took both of them.
I wonder if Faithpath made a video of him doing the uniplayer. If not he probably didn't want to share how he did it. And I understand that. . if I were to get an awesome score like that I wouldn't record it. . somewhat selfish, yes, but If he did show a video then many would just study it and do exactly what he does in the video and eventually get the high-score.
Finally some movement in that leaderboard!!
I agree with that. I can't wait to see what time Zero will get if he tries to do it. I also want to know how low the score can actually get. I'd say the lowest would have to be 2.30-2.40.
Just getting what Faithpath got though is impressive. By the time that I am on the outside level the time is 2.00. Then not making any mistakes must be hard to do. I myself die on level 29 a lot! I get there by 2.40 then die about seven times. . really aggravates me.
I wonder if Faithpath made a video of him doing the uniplayer
My 2 thoughts on that:
1) I won't publish the run I used until Zero would give his ok to do so. Not only because his Youtube-vid was the backbone. Its the product of him and me brainstorming about new cuts and sharing new faster moves to pass obstacles. Its just incidence that I made a better time first rather than him. 2:30 is btw a pretty good estimation. Thats what we both came up with too with this run.
2) I have no Youtube account and probably wont make one just for that. So whether Nontroppo or Zero are the only ones I would give a recorded vid of the cuts.
I won't publish the run I used until Zero would give his ok to do so.
That is very interesting to me. Well, I hope he says yes. I would like to see how you got such an impressive uniplayer time.
Also Faith, I'm just wondering, but how much XP do you have in multiplayer? Last time I played you it was around mid 3 million.
I used to remember when I had much more than you. . but since I stopped playing and also since my statistics have been reset. . you have won that race. xD
You cannot be serious with that. . I would like to see it. If that is true, is he the first to achieve it? Or did Zero get there first?
Now I want to see Zero and you in a race to the top.
You can't forget Pain, he's up there as well! He does need to work on it though and beat Faith's current time. I know he can do it. He's an awesome player.
7k xp-Points left then the 4 million is broken. Didn't do mass gaming with darwin as when i had like 2million points. I wonder about Zero though as he makes the ultimate ghost and hides from me since a couple months =P
If I still had my current XP points and still played. . I'm sure I could be tied to you Faith.
I do think Zero has the most though. Last time I chatted with him/her/bear was about two weeks ago and that's when he/she/bear hit four million. He/she/bear could very well be at around 4.5 million or higher. He/she/bear gains XP really quickly.
Some things that I did notice though when I played Exit Path with Ray last night though are: On Marathon everyone does the top way now. . I remember when I first started doing it. It's not Zero's way. It's the one where you just flow over it all then drop down into the lower platform - I also remember others saying that the top way was horrible and slow. I encouraged them to do it though. I suppose it caught on. Also on Crossroads, everyone does that flow over it and triple jump over the wall thing. I'm surprised at how many people do these new ways.
Hmm... I must have messed up with the number of matches. And I have noticed that several people that I have played had their stats deleted. That is strange. And Matrix, why do you say he/she/bear to refer to Zero?
Also on Crossroads, everyone does that flow over it and triple jump over the wall thing.
The people I have played, only Darwin, Wezz and Legz have done that triple jump.