ForumsGamesGeneral Exit Path 1&2 Discussion

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Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.

Pass the word around!

Thanks guys

  • 2,838 Replies
15,595 posts

do we get the request end or begin of march?

Beta testers will be announced by late March.
^That's from the Exit Path 2 Beta page.
344 posts

XP will most likely function the same. It will be in accordance of who places when in a match. I will also most likely be awarding XP for other things beyond Kudos and normal XP gain.

Limitless player ranking will be a bit strange to handle. I'm looking at two options:

⢠If I go prestige ranking, players will have the option of sacrificing their top level and resetting to level 0 (while maintaining XP). You'll get a star on your profile which will be prominent and show that you are ******. In addition, you can prestige multiple times, and each time you'll get an additional star. So a player who prestiges multiple times will have multiple stars. You will not be penalized for prestiging and you will not lose flair.

⢠If I go flat-out, no-limit ranking, it means that you move from level 0 to 1, 2,3.... 5993943952. Your rank can go up forever. HOWEVER you will only get a name up to level 40 or 50 or so, meaning that even when you reach level 5,593 you'll still be a grandmaster. This will allow even the best players to get a crazy level.

Along with this I will also start making special areas and rooms for top level and lower level players.

314 posts

I wouldn't like to see the infinite levels because in Exit Path 1 if you get too many matches and wins the words and numbers start to slew together and get harder to read. I like the prestige system and you could rank people by stars instead of level so there would be no misjudging others about their real skill level.

103 posts


I like the Star solution the most. However how about purchasing/unlocking flair's with some crazy amounts of stars. This would encourage players to acutally play logged in instead of trolling as guests as its widely common under players.

If you wanna make limitless rank you could slow down the gained xp the more someone gets. Make XP-gain to a logartihmic function. This way new players climb fast and slow down the more they gain towards asymptotic behaviour. And if you wanna just inflate the amount of named levels, create double naming with title. E.g. grandmaster-novice, ..., grandmaster-grandmaster.

Along with this I will also start making special areas and rooms for top level and lower level players.

Awesomesauce stuff can't wait to see.

A final thought:
No matter how good someone is they get inevitebly grandmaster. There has been just one or two known that never won a race. But grandmaster are supposed to rock at the game right? How about reserving this special rank and make GRANDMASTER only achievable when you can manage to reach difficult spots. Or finish special areas in a certain time (I know the timer glitch has to be considered there). Likewise gaining GM-points till you get the rank. Let me get nuts and think about the possibilty to dumb GM-title to unlock GM-Flairs XD.
Not that it ever will happen but those GM-flairs had to be small ones like additional flairs on hipps or arms only. B/c the Muscular runners cant carry much without slowing down ;D. High level players avoid everything that slows them down though... Was fun to think of at least ^_^
5,340 posts

i like the idea with the starts. that way for example: i would just level up until 40 or 50. whichever has the last name then start all over again and get a star. if you can see how many starts someone has its even easier to know how good he is not looking only at his level

97 posts

@ John
so there will be speacial rooms for Grandmasters? just awesome. i hated it if i am online and no good player is online. i had to play against noobs. They called me a hacker. That´s one of the reason why i don´t play Multi that much anymore.
And that Star Option would be awesome. *__*
so there will be records for multi-playing?
Would look cool if you have like 13 Stars, who aren´t that easy to get.
If yes, Exit Path 2 will be the most famous game in the world.
At John, awesome game you made.

1,143 posts

also John please could you explain the sytem by which maps are chosen on multiplayer on ep 1 and alos alot of people have been talking about a level editor, do you think that would be a good idea?

1,868 posts

Is john making a exit path 2? Sorry, but I haven't been on topic lately.

Yes, he is making a new one. Sign up here.

Read the previous pages to try to find out more about the game.
694 posts

will these top level rooms be mandatory? (as in u automatically go with sim levels) or can u choose to go with lower/higher level players?

68 posts

I am just so excited about EP2 that I almost can't describe it. I *love* the star idea, for sure. It seems better than just infinite level-up. However, isn't there a middle path there? Perhaps infinite level up stays, but after you reach certain milestones, you get a star. Mixing this with Faith's log idea... Milestones could be something like 100K XP; 500k XP, 1 million XP; 5 million XP, etc. I know that's not exactly logarithmic, but you get the idea...
And, at some point, we know that 5 stars or so is almost impossible, but some will try it. I know at least one in this discussion has 4 million XP, many have over 2 million, and many of the rest of us are aiming high, too.

290 posts

It's fun at the begining, but it gets boring. It's good for a few hours of fun.

15,595 posts

The stars idea seems like the best out of the two. On multiplayer once your numbers get so large they start to go closer and closer to each other and the numbers will get all jumbled up together.

Stars sounds great. I can't think of anything wrong happening with it.

Along with this I will also start making special areas and rooms for top level and lower level players.

I love this idea. It would require for people to log onto their accounts while playing. Because if you don't log in, how long can you stand having no challenge while playing? Not very long. But with this room ranking it would match us with others with top level players thus making the game more enjoyable.
366 posts

A good way to achive GrandMaster would be with special GM-points (i just got this idea, still dunno exactly how gonna work). You get GM-points defeating Top players (we need a Top Players list) so you can knock out ppl from that list and get there ... and well dunno XD

10 posts

I these ideas. Make the game unique and different for each level of players

97 posts

@ NontroppO.
i like your idea with the best player list.
but what is if a player , who lose a game and keeps leaving.
i hate these people , who do that.
if you see he has like 5k matches and 4,5 wins you think hes a good rival and then after he lose, bye bye.

Showing 376-390 of 2838