I know I am desperate
But do not look down upon me
I have much power
And yet no one will ever know
You might be an exception
You might already know
And yet you still hate me
For why I do not know
Please leave me now
I am to be alone
I do not understand
You must go home
I'll give you time to sort this out
Even though it's all my doing
I am a mess
Yes I do know
The World in your hands
Yet you do not know
I give you my power
As I fade away
Into the darkness
I slip away
I will see you
On another day
Come to me now
I will tell you
You will know all
And you will be a great soul
You are me
It is my time to go
You have evil magic
But you will grow
Anybody like it or not? Anyone have your own ideas? Tell me. This was my first time doing poetry.