Here you can (and should) post pictures of mixed pictures of art, i will give an example: If someone wants to start a contest be my guest, but I can not be depended upon to do it, I get grounded to much xD how you post and enjoy
I never said it had to fit in... just put anything you want, and I did this years ago xD can't remember cites. I hope someone will actually post TT.TT lol whatever if it dies... So does my muffin :O
That's awesome. Cupcakes in sunny pastures... It just feels right.
Well, I don't know if I should Post one I have here or post it in the thread I started. I mean, it is a graphic mixture containing a work of art, but I did also photoshop it for lolz... This is certainly a dilemma.
I think you should ditch this thread and post on photoshop for lolz, since your muffin picture is pretty funny.
Well, I don't know if I should Post one I have here or post it in the thread I started. I mean, it is a graphic mixture containing a work of art, but I did also photoshop it for lolz... This is certainly a dilemma.
I wanted my thread (I had no idea your thread was there xD) to be able for any picture to be put on, not just funny, such as a cool picture Like.....
Is that a girl waaaay in the distance? And i like the tree
I believe I asked you to credit the sources? This also means you should post the links to where you got the image to credit the artist that put work into doing the art you keep posting. Further, I checked the top image, and all you really put in was the muffin, which means that you at the very least should have pointed out what you put in, instead of taking the credit for the background from someone else.
I am going to lock this because of the above reasons. If you wish to continue to post your images, make sure it is actually YOUR images. Further, I would recommend you make a thread on your own works and not try to make some general threads, because most of the time, the regulars here have their own threads, which means threads like this lose their purpose fairly fast.