Well, I am a musician, so I can legit-ly say your music, is a jumble of minors... Like, it is way too fast and techno-y for you to hear the note, so it sounds like noise, and it doesn't really follow a set pattern in the beginning. Also, The voice, even though it is monotone, make it higher in pitch so it doesn't get covered by your music. kthxsbai
Well, I am a musician, so I can legit-ly say your music, is a jumble of minors... Like, it is way too fast and techno-y for you to hear the note, so it sounds like noise, and it doesn't really follow a set pattern in the beginning.
Yup, that's how my first fl studio songs used to sound. I think it has to do with the way the program works, if you don't know how to use it very well your music sounds like generic "beginner FL Studio stuff".
I'm still not very good at making music with FL Stduio and it's easier to use than Reason, in my opinion, but some people can make some pretty fantastic stuff with the program.