Yes, I have a sort of story behind my username... Or is it because of my username that I am creating this story? I am not sure... But anyway, enjoy:
Friggin' Velociraptors. That's our problem. They lurk around, killing our men and eating our crop. The rexies leave us alone, they are too big and we are too small. Its not like a rexie would rather have an alberto over a human. The only ones that try to kill us are the weak, starving ones. They didn't catch a big one so they go small... Yet they are weak enough that we can kill them with a single spear poke. Not the raptors, though. We tried wire trapping them, yet they have too strong re-flexes. We tried hunting them, which turned to them hunting us. We even tried using bait to lure them but it was like fishing for a coelacanth without a hook... Which is where we come in. The only system we ever succeeded with was finding their eggs. Yet again, you needed a very good fighter to fight off the crazed raptor mama. I'm not exactly that. They use me to find the eggs. I can follow tracks and I know the forest very well. And of course, I can also do som- "Pappin quit rightin' on that scroll o' yours and get ready!" Dad shouts so loudly it seemed like he was a rexie. "Comin', dad" I say. I fold the scroll up and get to the kitchen. "Hey, Pap, brush my spear, need it to be clean and stuff to fight" Jonul says Taking a bite into his bread. Ugh, I hate Jonull. Hate is a bad and powerful word the sound of dad's all mighty proverb-ish sentence rings through my head. Sure, I think, I just really, really dislike him. "What's takin' ya so long there, Pap?" Jonul asks pounding lightly on my shoulder "Nothing, Jonul, Just restin'" I say taking the brush. "That is 'The Deadly One', Pap!" Jonul shouts. Jo- 'The Deadly One', is our tribe's hero. He killed over three rexies and saved more than seven farms. He is charismatic, strong, righteous and a complete *****. I know that very well cause, after all, he is my- "Brother, that is good enough, now let us go, the farmers at Zulu'kha are very impatient" TDO says. So are you, I mumble to myself. I eat some breakfast and we pick up the rest of the team. "All right-y, team" TDO says "Denel, Zevuv, Pappin, go on-front. Me and Trel will follow" "Trel and I" I say correcting his grammar. "Brother" TDO says "Yes?" "Shut up" TDO says, signaling further orders.
You liked it? Please tell me if you do... I forget about writing more if nobody had any comments about it...
That's pretty cool. I like it. It's kinda funny. When you end a quotation that doesn't have a question mark or an exclamation point, you should use a comma. "Like this," says I.
But anyway, I thought it was very good. I'd like to see some more if you plan on continuing this.
The leaves crunch and make a soft click sound as I move along the dirt and leaves of the forest ground. "We're gettin' close" I say looking at the tracks. "Goody... Any signs of the mama?" Trel asks "I really think its point-less, repeating what I said" "Just checkin'" Zevuv and Denel just made their way across to the front "I wanna kill some'a raptooooooooooooooooooooooors!" Zevuv yells, his usual battle cry, "Quiet, brother, you'na scare the raptors away?" Denel says spitting while talking. Denel and Zevuv are an interesting couple. "Im'a can't! Im'a gonna kill me som'a raptoooooooooooooooors!" Zevuv shrieks. "Quiet, you too!" TDO says "Pappin, how lon'?" "Close... Closer... Here" I say pointing to a large bunch of tracks. "Thats the mama raptor" I say "North a bit is the eggs" "Right then, pappin and Denel gonna' find and bring the eggs and rest commin' with me to kill the mama!" TDO shouts. North 1,2,3...North 1,2,... West 1,2,3.... West 1,2, I recite walking briskly. Agh, I think seeing the large bush wall. There it is, "It's here," I say turning to look at Denel's ugly and crazed face. "Right" He says spitting. I quickly start chopping an entrance with a small dagger. After 5 minutes I go through. There, the eggs rest, un-protected and fine. 1 egg...2 eggs... 3 eggs...[i/], I count the shiny little eggs... Then I see it. An egg standing way back near the bush wall... It's... Gigantic... Its over the size of a human being... [i]An egg... It's not even a rexies', too smooth and green. Whatever this egg is going to hatch to, I rather not fight it, I think to myself sprinting to warn the others.