Here is a little outlet for some of my more depressing writings, mainly short stories, poems, randomn pieces of songs I think of. None of this is to be taken seriously of course, I hope you enjoy it
To start off, I'll throw down a bit of a short dark story. ^-^ Macabre darkness swirls around me as my feet find a hold with unseen but solid ground. I stand still; the only sound in the endless void is my breathing. I tentatively stick my hands out in front of me, guiding myself in a depth of nothingness. I put one foot out before my other. Crunch. Dry ground cracks beneath my feet as I already begin to push my other foot forwards. Pain, It racks my mind as my head cracks against something as tough as steel, but hollow as an aluminum pipe. Stepping my backwards, my hands reach out once again, and are greeted by the sensation of knotted holes, and small fibrous rivulets along the object. Slowly, something sparks in the distance. Like a growing aura, I see a greenish sickly light begin a curved ascent into the sky from somewhere in the never-ending depths. The light illuminates something I had forgotten long ago, something that holds too many secrets of my past for me to care for. The green sun sheds unhealthy glow upon my field of terror, my field of lies, my field of nightmares.With the light the deathly sun casts, I look to see what I stumbled into. Moving my gaze upwards, I observe a long slender tree. At one point, it might have been considered beautiful, life-bearing even. But now it is broken, bent branches hang pathetically off of marred limbs. Broken pieces of bark peel off of the trunk, and the wood beneath is completely black and ash covered. Sickly roots break the surface so slightly around the tree, before diving down to gather water it will never receive. I shudder at the tree, remembering what it once probably was, then I look away. Broken scarred ground rears up in my face, ugly and lifeless. The very soil reeks of death and decay. Gouges have formed into it; barren holes dot the land, depriving the cracked ground of life. The musty air itself brings back reminiscent memories of harder times, I long for help, for the peaceful numb feeling of the dark to come over me again. Only distant images of dread give me sensation. As I stand still next to my scarred tree, I feel a twinge in my own soul, a tug at my heart as I cry a first hot tear. This place is evil, so purely evil and dark that I feel as if the ground itself wants to swallow me in pain. I shake uncontrollably as a fear creeps into my mind. Something is about to happen, some part of me is about to die, I know somehow. I could never hope to explain the fear and the mind numbing terror that radiated from this realm of darkness. The first of my sobs begin. Broken into smaller hiccups of sadness, as I continue they turn into a more rhythmic crying, broken only by my gasps for the fetid air. The sobs grow into a pattern with my shaking body. The entire lifelessness of the realm takes hold of me, and I weep so much longer then I ever have before As my cries ring out to nonexistent ears, I plead with the harsh ground to bear life. I beg for the tree to show the slightest inkling of green in its boughes. I pray that the tree would revive itself and give life to this sick place. Then I stop. The ground begins to quake. Slight tremors begin, moving in tune to my broken sobs, then they turn more violent. Shaking the ground itself, twisting, rolling, buckling on itself. A thought rams itself into the back of my conscioussness. I scream as the torture finally begins. Pieces of the ground break away, tiny bits at first into dark nothingesss, then entire portions of the ground. More rifts and scratches hollow their way into the Earth as the pieces falling into neverending blackness. I cry as I watch my sick deadened world fal beneath me, as it crumbles before my eyes. Then I am forced down, I scrape my hands and knees on the tree's roots. I don't even bother to look up for my attacking force, I know I won't find it. Pushed again. I fall to me back. The wind knocked out of me. Then slowly the end begins.
(will put more to this later.....)
A bit of a poem I have....
So end this life, this heart of mine. So cold and numb this has just begun. Gun pressed up, against the chin. Finger on the trigger to push the bullet in. This nightmare fantasy has taken ahold of me. Become me reality, shown what all of you can see. This pain I try to hold within my chest. As I try to do my best To release my pain, hurt and regret without gain...
Scream for hatred, die for love. Like a hellbent angel fallen from truth above. Pain envelops on teirs so deep. Steals you happiness, amplifies when you weep. Ragged breaths chosen by your deadly sin. There's nothing to do when it's wrought from within.
In this field of dreams you stole her heart. In this field of dreams you ripped it apart. In this field of memories you threw all love away. In this field of memories you decided not to stay. In this field of nightmares you destroyed love's care In this field of nightmares you saw nothing to spare
Thanks for actually commentin' mate Not many people bother looking at anything anymore unless the writer is a mod or high ranked >.>
More poetry??
Blah I can't think of none....
More of the story from earlier
A second push, and a weight is forced upon my chest, yet I feel it so much deeper. As if it's within my heart. Then the invisible adversary begins to etch its artwork into me. Crimson lines slowly dot my body all acrost me. At first the little rips and tears are similar to smaller cuts and scratches, like the ones running acrost my arms and wrists. But then they open themselves,
Thank you Icy, my meter IS admittidily off in some places of the poetry, just reading it aloud makes some of the words rushed and the like. I may try to figure corrections out as I go along.
More story? (I have most of this already written up, I'm just typing it up whenever I get the chance and making slight edits to it as I go along) (this is continued exatcly from the comma in the last piece)
-Beginning to move with a life of their own as the pain evelops me deeper when they grow larger. I begin to flail insanely, only wanting to escape my newfound pain. The lacerations bleed deeper, as I tear at my own body trying to throw the unseen razor away from my flesh. Screaming as my lifeblood slowly trickles off of me, I try to stand up. The weight on my body is forced upon me too greatly, and the pain makes me roar to the arid land. I peer downwards and see the disgustingly beautiful canvas the artist created. Bloody crimson slashes cover every inch of my broken body. They each send life-ending pain throughout my entire being, stinging acrost my limbs, chest, and face. My vision turns red as my world emits itself into a state of bleary uncaring thought. I burn with fire in all of my veins as I pool in viscous liquid that seeps slowly into the ground. The artist begins his work again with more earsplitting screams from me as the knife works. My only wish as I bellow is to let the pain and terror end, and to let the darkness free. As I scream the Earth falling away below me roars as if in answer to my cries. The shriek of stone and Earth falling into eternity and crumbling soil all race out in waves of sound. Long and ominous like that of a dying animal, I let out one more primal scream in anger towards my twisted life before the knife pulls away, finished with its task. I observe my horribly marred body, and I watch the blood slowly filter from every incision on me. The pain is overwhelming, compelling, destructive, and undeniable. I grab my head with my bleeding arms and ignore the trickle onto my face. I gasp for air as the movements send fits and spasms throughout my muscles. My arms drops to my sides, and I try to move them up again, but I can't. The life and fight is gone from my soul. Slowly, my head rolls to the side. Through red vision I see that the only portion of the world left is me and my deadened tree. Slowly I begin close my eyes, fingers grasping the dirt left trying to hang onto something. I'm not feeling anything anymore, and I can't help but stop looking into the immeasurable blackness. but my body denies me that action, as it forces me to fully shut out my vision. Then I take in my last gasp of breath, and suddenly...
I'm going to hurt, I'm going to fall. I'm going to break, I'm going to crawl. But everything I can try to say or do Brings me steps closer to perfect love with you
I'm going to love, I'm going to learn. I'm going to cry, I'm going to burn. But everything I saw in my best fantasy, Has turned out to be this beautiful reality.
I'm going to break, I'm going to dream. I'm going to watch, I'm going to scream. But everything not with you is worthless, And away from you I'm left pointless and worthless.
You made me hurt. You made me crawl. You made me break. You made me fall. You made me cry. You made me dream. You made me break, you made me scream But everything we had is now all memories and I'm left numb. Killed and dead inside all from. The pain you wrought. The lesson you taught. After all if this can I still say. I still love you today?
You made me and broke me Alyssa. You taught me so much on how to love and it was all worth it. Thank you. I still love you after what you did.
So run from painful and broken life you once knew. Run from the darkened skyline now blood-red. Race towards a savior wrapped in lies far untrue. Race from the people you left for dead.
Hide from secrets you knew you left behind. Hide from the things you always seem to find, At every turn. at every twist. At every path. At every moment reminding you of the vengeful wrath, that chased you this far, that moved us apart.