During the physiological occurrences Haiku theme, I wrote a haiku that went like this
Deep in the realm of sleep, visions project themselves sweet dreams of times past
Frank made a comment in the judging that he was kind of curious about the back story of the guy in the haiku. So here it is.
Tom was a lonely man. Few people knew he still existed, and fewer even cared. Everyday it was the same routine, go to his tedious office job in his little cubicle, then come back home to an empty house. Life was not kind to Tom. Oh, things had been better for him in years past. He still remembered the incredible times he had in High School, how he would go out partying and making a mess of things. He remembered his even better days of college, with even more partying, and even better: what he thought would be the love of his life. He thought she was the one, but alas, it was not to be. After the breakup, things only spiraled downward. He had so many unproductive dates, and now he thought he could never get a girl again. He did get his degree in accounting, but he found quickly that he hated his work. Life was crap. Now Tom seems to really have one way of going back to the golden days of his youth. Every night;
Deep in the realm of sleep, visions project themselves sweet dreams of times past