Ok guys for those of u who dont know, a lymric is a poem that involves rhyming. Its format is like this...
Line Line that's last word rhymes with the first line's last word Line Line that's last word rhymes with the 3rd line's last word line that's last word rhymes with the 1st and 2nd line's last word
anyways, my idea is that we make a lymric that people add to. once one is done, a person adds another line that kind of makes some sort of story that follows the first stanza. Ill make the first line....
After that, he took imog to his lair He politely sat Imog on a red chair He summoned a bear
And a hat it could wear
I don't pronounce bear close enough to lair to consider it invalid. And I don't think hair rhymes with bear, so I do consider that line invalid. Sorry Urban.
There once was a man named Lee he fell off an apple tree but when he awoke He knew something was broke, Because his head was under his knee
The next day he went to the beach And under his chin was a leech It sucked all the blood and he tripped in the mud And the leech and him got a bruise each
His head hurt a lot the next day He wondered if the leech was okay So when it said yes It relieved his stress. But he knew by his pain that his wallet would pay
And so he was hitting the hay Ready to sleep the day away But as he laid down He started to drown Since he forgot he was still at the bay He then rented a red sail-boat But, it had a small hole and didn't quite float. He then met Poseidon and the dolphin he rode on now suddenly, he's with a goat.
This goat was eating a muffin Interest and fun were nothin' The man stole it's food He then met a dude Who spends his days in a coffin
the dude said his name was Imog He threw a bomb that created smog It ruined every city The devil said what a pity. Because he wanted to feed them to his dog
After that, he took imog to his lair He politely sat Imog on a red chair He summoned a bear And a hat it could wear cause without head-covering it wouldn't be fair
Why so serious?
jk, but really I don't think I was cruel or rude...
After that, he took imog to his lair He politely sat Imog on a red chair He summoned a bear And a hat it could wear cause without head-covering it wouldn't be fair