There once was a Vampire named Guano. Guano didn't know he was a vampire and was an orphan. One day when he was 108 years old he was adopted (vampires age slowly). Those parents celebrated by going to Mc Donalds. Guano ordered what looked like a really good sandwich, but to his surprise had garlic in it. Guano died within 10 seconds and was never heard of again. Moral: Don't name someone Guano, then put them up for adoption. (Hey... I don't see anyone else posting stories XP)
Once upon a time, there was a vampire. The vampire had a cat, named Bob. One day, Bob ran away. The vampire was very sad, so he ate his neighbour. Eating always cheered him up. Then he went searching for Bob. He looked everywhere. He searched the whole neighbourhood, and the park, and the forest. He even searched his pockets. No Bob. This made him very sad. But when he went home that night, he saw a werewolf lying in front of his door. He was very scared, because werewolves were smelly and had very bad manners, and he was afraid it would cause trouble. As he carefully approached the werewolf, he noticed it was dead. When he got closer, he saw Bob sleeping next to it. Bob had caught a werewolf. The vampire was very happy, because not only had he found his cat, he also had a new doormat. Bob must have remembered that the vampire's birthday was coming up. The vampire picked up Bob, and together they went inside and watched The Simpsons. It was a Halloween episode.
Once there is a vampire named Eduard kullan. His skin sparkles so bright that he glows in the dark. One day, while he was hunting his prey, his sparkling skin attracted some vampire hunters and was shot down immediately due to his sparkling making him an easy target. Moral of the story: Don't be a sparkling vampire
In the near future human kind invented time travel. Upon said invention of time travel someone decided it would be a good idea to bring Mr. Bram Stoker to the future. This was so that they could show Mr. Stoker the trend his original story, Dracula, created. Mr. Stoker was so depressed over what his classic would become that upon returning to the past he never published it. Thus the terror that is Twilight was never written, along with the terror that is the remakes of the Dracula novel. Sadly Stephen King never wrote 'Salems Lot which is considered only second to Dracular as the best vampire story.