Chapter 1 - Humans' Discovery The future of 4620. Humans have become extremely intelligent and have invented many useful products and items. Though the humans have moved away from their first home, the Earth. They have settled on Mars, and plan to send a spaceship to the nearest new planet they have discovered in their solar system, Ceres, a new growing planet. They have yet to find any life on it though.
"When are we going to launch?" asked Steven. Steven was one of the few people who were going to the new planet. "Soon enough, be patient," replied his captain, Captain Jack Neon. Steven rested his head on his hand on the arm rest of the chair and sighed. He looked out the window, eager to start the mission. "Don't worry man," said one of his colleagues, Markus. "we'll start up this thing soon." There were only four people in total riding the spaceship to Ceres. Steven, Captain Jack Neon, Markus, and a newcomer, Emily. Emily had no experience in space travel whatsoever. So she had been guided by her partners. "Alright team, we're launching," hollered out Captain Jack Neon. The space ship shook and the engines roared loudly. In an instant, they were in space.
Emily and Steven were amazed when they looked out the window. They flew past the asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, and so on. Markus was an experienced veteran in space travel, so he relaxed and enjoyed his self during the ride. What seemed only a minute or so, they finally arrived on Ceres. They put on their safety suits and helmets and walked off the ship. The gravity was strange. It was the same as the Earth's, and Mars'. The surroundings looked the same as well. Lush forests and tall mountains, though no other organisms in sight. "Time to scan this place," said Captain Jack Neon as he took out a large blue hologram screen. The ground was now covered in blue pixels and diagrams. He then put the blue hologram screen back into his bag. Steven was walking around, wondering if this was what Earth was like. Mars was just a desert wasteland, with not much to look at. But this, this planet was glorious and wonderful.
After wandering away from everyone without notice, he found something inside a small pond... He shouted out to the group, and soon they ran towards him.
Captain Jack Neon rushed over to Steven. "What is it?" he asked. The others worriedly looked over his shoulder. Steven smiled back at them, "I think I've found a living organism." Captain looked confused, "Show it to me." Steven scooped up the small dots and put them inside a glass vial. He then gave it to Captain Jack Neon. He squinted inside the vial, "I can't see anything. But if you say you saw something, I'll put it under the microscope." They then headed back the the ship.
Inside, Captain placed the vial containing the small organisms under the super microscope. Looking in it, he found many small cells that oddly resembled a human like shape. He took away his eyes from the microscope, and lied down on his bunk bed. "What a find," he sighed, and drifted into sleep.
"Wake up, Captain!" A voice shouted into his ear. He was shook by the noise, and quickly arose. "What is it, Markus?" He asked confusedly. Markus grabbed him to the desk with the vial. "Look into it," he said, sounding excited. Captain Jack Neon looked into the microscope, and noticed the small human like organisms have grown quite a bit. "How did it happen?" he asked. Markus shrugged and walked out the door. Captain wiped his face with his hand and looked back into the microscope. The small organisms were growing even more... "What the-" The vial broke and the organisms grew even more. A shout was heard inside the room, but no more.
I enjoyed most of it, but more description would have been nice on the launching off, and more info on the landing and getting out.
Also, if Emily has no experience, why on Earth (get the pun? ) would they send a non colonizer, non astronaut into space???? Serves no purpose.
@Top line I know, I don't like getting into things very much and I'm kind of fail at writing stories... @Bottom Line Because I can and unexperienced people going on missions is an ultimate win.
describe what these people look like. that would help for sure.
Captain Jack Neon woke up on the floor. "Oh man, Captain," exclaimed Markus, "I thought you died! Those things grew to the size of danged children! By the way, I came as soon as possible when I heard you scream." He rubbed his head, and stood back on his feet. "Wait a minute. How is that possible?" "Don't know, but it's pretty amazing how fast they evolve." Captain chuckled, "Heh, maybe evolution doesn't take millions of years," "So where are they now," asked Captain. "We are currently holding them inside the containment chamber," replied Markus. He then walked outside. "Hey wait, I'm coming too."
As they walked through the long halls of the stationary spaceship, they decide to talk. "Did anything else go wrong?" asked Captain. "No. Not yet at least." said Markus. The automatic doors slid open. They went inside the viewing platform of the containment chamber. The things were walking around, which they still looked like humans. They roamed on all fours, and were covered in an ugly looking dark green and gray fur, with a small tint of black. Captain was surprised of their appearance, they didn't look much like humans with their different colored fur. He sighed and left the viewing platform.
Meanwhile, outside the spaceship, Emily was wandering around. "Very nice place here, I wish Mars was like this." As she started back towards the spaceship, she encountered Steven. He was panting rapidly. "What's wrong?" she asked. He pointed toward the spaceship and fell onto his knees.
Emily rushed into the spaceship. She called out to Markus and Captain but she received no answer. She searched the ship for them. Inside the containment chamber lied Markus, who was huddled in the corner. She ran to him, and attempted to talk to him. "What happened?" she asked. "They escaped. The dang things escaped. They went berserk, or at least I think so." Markus said, as he stared at the broken glass. They both ran outside to find the strange species.
Steven was now searching along with them. Though he was wondering what happened to Captain Jack Neon. After a few minutes, they come across strange small structures. The structures were made of stone. They heard strange noises coming from inside them, like human language. Markus looked into one of the structures. It had a wooden table, a campfire, a sort of haystack, and a wooden chest. Markus looked into the chest, and found wooden daggers along with wooden tools. He was surprised by what he found, and closed the chest. "Are they this intelligent?" he whispered.
Outside they soon heard yelling nearby. It became extremely loud. Steven spotted something in the distance carrying a bag. He took out some binoculars from his backpack and looked into them. It was the creatures, carrying along tools and sacks. --------------------------------
Eh, I'm not in the mood to actually do anything...